Help Leyla &team take Quetzalcoatl to Burning Man
Donation protected
( La traducción al español es a continuación de la inglesa)
We are Crescent Art Collective started up by Leyla Brashka from México and Lisa Regan from the United States coming together to create a large-scale Quetzalcóatl Reborn installation for Burning Man 2023!
By donating to our Go Fund Me campaign, you can help us cover the costs of materials, transportation, and installation of the sculpture. Every dollar you donate goes directly toward bringing Quetzalcóatl Reborn to life.
We have begun construction, and already we know that it will captivate all who see the completed structure, but we still have a significant way to go in reaching our fundraising goal. Witness the stunning stained-glass art taking shape in the Torreon, Mexico workshop, each piece destined to become part of the sculpture's body.

Simultaneously, in Tulsa Oklahoma, in a giant metal shop, the steel framework that will hold the stained glass is meticulously engineered and formed into the giant sculpture.
Help us bring Quetzalcoatl Reborn to life by contributing towards its completion. Together, let's make this extraordinary vision a reality.
Burning Man provides part of the funds to create the piece and we are raising the remaining funds with the generous support of family, friends and kind-hearted people to raise the total and with your help, to bring Quetzalcóatl to reality and be able to share a bit of our Mexican prehispanic legacy with the world.
Quetzalcóatl prehispanic god, the "feathered serpent ", who is the god creator of men and who gave them the corn, is the most powerful god in Mesoamerica, is taken as a representative of our prehispanic legacy that lives inside of us as Mexicans, being ourselves also, that Quetzalcoatl.
The large-scale installation of Quetzalcoatl will be made out of 1⁄4 inch metal sheets with prehispanic symbols plasma cut all over his serpent body with jewelry bracelets at some parts of it and a drum corn tail. The bracelets will be stained glass as well as some of the prehispanic symbols, so the light of the sun transfers the colors onto the playa ground and the people during day time.
Other symbols will be made of metal fluorescent paint as well as lit by LED lights so it will light up the night and provide a magical presence both during the day and night, and create an impressive visual impact in the middle of the Burning Man playa.
The Quetzalcoatl piece will be an interactive space between the burner's community, a playground for the senses allowing burners to come, play and have fun around the piece, reflecting in each burner the prehispanic symbols that will translate in light and color over the playa and everyone in front of it. The corn tail will be a musical instrument to create percussions out of it, converting it into a huge corn drum, that will invite burners to interact with the piece.
The philosophy of the piece is to express the rich ancestral heritage Mexico has as a country, full of diverse cultures, tribes and traditions and to honor that heritage through sharing a bit of it throughout one of its most important gods and intriguing mythological creature that is Quetzalcoatl.
We believe that this artwork will not only add beauty and awe to the event but also serve as a powerful symbol of the Mesoamerican culture and heritage.
Crescent Art Collective has grown today to a much larger team and we will be creating a Quetzalcoatl sculpture that will measure 28 feet long and 10 feet high.
Leyla, who has created many large community projects in Mexico, India and now at Burning Man, is the visionary and driving force. Lisa has created many large scale metalworks that can be viewed throughout Oklahoma, in public spaces such as Tulsa Int´l Airport and Philbrook Museum.
Happy to share with you some of the previous projects of Leyla Brashka and Lisa Regan so you can get to know more about them and imagine how this Quetzalcóatl will turn out.
Together, let's make this project a reality and showcase the beauty, greatness and power of Quetzalcoatl at Burning Man. Thank you for your support.
Who We Are
Both Leyla and Lisa are no strangers to large-scale art installations. You can find our work below.
Leyla Brashka Multi-media Artist
Leyla at Burning Man 2022
"The following video shows my passion for the sea while building a collaborative sculpture of a large whale, with young adults and children. I used recycled materials as shown in the following video Metamorfosis de Marina." San Francisco Nayarit, Mexico Leyla Brashka
Guardián Universal del Océano - Leyla Brashka
"Here, I am in Promenade Avenue Pondicherry, India, working with the community to clean their neighborhoods and create art in the process." Leyla Brashka
Life-sized manta ray at Casitas Maraika, Jalisco, Mexico
Lisa Regan, painter and Metal sculptor
"I like to think of myself as a multi-disciplinary artist specializing in metal works which I've been doing for 25 years and since 2017 I've focused most of my energy on mixed media paintings. I have been going to burning man since 2007 and am super excited to work on this burning man project with Leyla and team"
Lisa's works can be seen at the gardens of Philbrook museum (Tulsa ok) -
Tulsa International Airport and were on a USPS stamp in 2006. In 1996 she formed Garden Deva Sculpture
Plasma-cut steel fence -- similar technology that will be used for the framework of Quetzalcoatl Reborn. Additional work by Lisa is show below.
Hola todos!
Somos Crescent Art Collective iniciado por Leyla Brashka de México y Lisa Regan de Estados Unidos, juntándonos para crear una instalación gigante de Quetzalcóatl en Burning Man 2023!
Burning Man provee parte de los fondos para crear la pieza y estamos reuniendo fondos con el generoso apoyo de familia, amigos y gente de buen corazón para llegar al monto total y con tu apoyo ayudar a Quetzalcóatl a volverse realidad y compartir un poco de nuestra vasta herencia prehispánica de Mexico al mundo.
Al donar en nuestra campaña de Go Fund Me, tú puedes ayudarnos a cubrir los costos de los materiales, la transportación y la instalación de la escultura. Cada dólar que tú donas va directamente a llevar el Proyecto Quetzalcóatl Reborn a la vida.
Quetzalcóatl, la serpiente emplumada, es el Dios prehispánico creador del hombre y quien le dio al hombre el maíz. Es el Dios más poderoso de Mesoamérica y es tomado como representante de nuestro legado ancestral prehispánico que vive en nosotros como mexicanos, siendo nosotros también ese Quetzalcóatl.
Se manifestará en el desierto de Black Rock City, Nevada para ser parte del Festival Burning Man. Estará hecho de metal en su mayor parte y tendrá símbolos prehispánicos en sus plumas y escamas, las cuales tendrán vitrales de colores que con el sol se reflejarán en las personas que pasan, transmitiendo así simbólicamente toda la ancestralidad y poder que estos símbolos tienen. Así mismo, por la noche estará iluminado con luces led mostrando su gran majestuosidad.
La cola será un maíz que a su vez será un tambor gigante, siendo cada uno de sus granos un tambor, algunos de metal y otros tambores de agua para que la gente pueda interactuar con la pieza y generar música con la misma.
La filosofía de la pieza es expresar la rica herencia ancestral que México tiene como país, llena de diversas culturas, tradiciones y rituales que permanecen hasta la fecha. Honrar nuestra herencia prehispánica compartiendo un poco de la misma a través del Dios Mesoamericano más importante.
Creemos que esta pieza ofrecerá no sólo belleza y majestuosidad al evento, sino también actuar como un símbolo de la herencia y cultura mesoamericano.
Crescent Art Collective a crecido actualmente a un equipo mucho más grande que en conjunto estará creando una escultura de Quetzalcóatl que medirá 8.8 metros de largo y 3.3 metros de alto.
Leyla, quien ha creado varios proyectos comunitarios en México, India y ahora en Burning Man es la visionaria del proyecto y la fuerza creativa. Lisa ha creado varios proyectos de grande escala en metal que pueden ser vistos alrededor de Oklahoma, en espacios públicos tales como el Aeropuerto Internacional de Tulsa y Philbrook Museum.
Con gusto les compartimos algunos de los proyectos previos de Leyla Brashka y Lisa Regan para que puedan tener un mayor acercamiento a ellas y sus obras e imaginar como este Quetzalcóatl será.
Juntos, hagamos este proyecto una realidad y mostrar la belleza, grandeza y poder de Quetzalcóatl en Burning Man. Muchas gracias por su apoyo!
Fundraising team (2)
Lisa Regan
Tulsa, OK
Leyla Brashka
Team member