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Evie May Foundation

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This is so hard for me to write and i write it with a heavy heart.
Life is so cruel we will never understand why, at such a young age with her whole little life ahead of her, Evie Jane May was just too precious for this earth.
Evie has gained her perfect little angel wings and gone up to heaven as a result of getting meningitis. Not only does she leave behind her baby brother, nana grandad, uncles, aunties, cousins and friends, she leaves behind her forever heartbroken mum Courtney, who is being amazingly strong at such a young age.

We are trying to raise enough money to help Evies mum at this sad time and help give Evie the most wonderful send off she deserves.

From the bottom of our hearts we thank each and every one for your donations. Overwhelmed and eternally grateful! We have now raised enough to help Courtney give her little girl the best day ever! Further donations will be used to form the EVIE MAY FOUNDATION. This will help her mum in coming months and help raise awareness of this deadly disease and help families struck by it just like ours.

Any donation, no matter how small would be very much appreciated.
Thank you
Evie’s Family xx


  • Angie Hagan
    • £27
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Courtney May
Lisa Gillan

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