Woodbury supporting Jays Deli and Colleen Pearce
I want to thank everyone for the overwhelming support for Colleen and Jay’s!
We are shutting down the GoFundMe. If you would like to make a donation moving forward please send to: The Woodbury Lions at PO Box 538, Central Valley, NY. 10917.
Put Colleen’s name in the memo field.
Thanks again for all your support!
The Woodbury Lions club needs needs your help. As most of you have heard Jay's is closed until Colleen feels its safe and appropriate to open. I don't need to tell you how much Colleen means to this community. Please consider a donation to help Colleen get through this period and get back to doing what she does best!
We love you Colleen and we are all here for you! The Woodbury Lions will be covering the Administrative cost and distributing the full amount of the funds to Colleen to use to support herself and her business until she is able to reopen.