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Woodlands Read-a-thon

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To celebrate Read Aloud day on Wednesday 2nd February, our children will be taking part in a sponsored 'Read-a-thon.' Throughout the day, a bell will sound. The children will stop what they are doing, and READ! In Early Years and Year 1, these children will gather for stories with their teachers on the carpet. Year 2-Year 6 children will enjoy a mixture; some storytime with their teachers and some independent, quiet reading. The bell will then sound for the reading sessions to end, and the children will return to their learning. This will happen multiple times throughout the day.

With the funds raised, we are hoping to purchase either;
  • a 'reading' summer house for our outdoor space which would provide the children with a quiet space to enjoy stories during unstructured times. The summer house will host a wealth of books, both fiction and non-fiction, to capture the children's imaginations.
  • divide between the year groups to purchase the latest book releases from the children's favourite authors. These books would be chosen after asking the children for ideas.

We hugely appreciate any donations made, and can't wait to see the children reading to celebrate 'Read Aloud Day.'

Organizador y beneficiario

Laura Dutton
Woodlands Primary School

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