Woo Fridge
Worcester Community Fridges believes having access to daily food is a human right. According to a 2010 USDA study, there is approximately 133 billion pounds of food that is wasted and sent to land fills annually. With 1 in 7 children in the United States living in food insecure homes, wondering where there next meal will come from the amount of food waste produced in this country is an act of violence.
20% of families in Worcester have identified as living in poverty and while navigating the Covid pandemic these numbers have risen significantly. We are organizing to establish one community fridge in Worcester in hopes of expanding and rooting fridges through out the city.
A community fridge will allow 24/7 access to community members in need of food.
This will allow restaurants and other businesses to sustainably get rid of the surplus of food that would other wise get thrown away. A community fridge will also allow members to donate and drop off food, further preventing waste.
In just 3 months, one Community Fridge can:
* Redistribute 12 tons of food waste,
* Save households and community groups over $10,000 worth of food
This is free food, powered by the people.
Funds raised will help pay for-
-Secondhand fridges
- Food to keep fridges stocked
- Materials to build an all weather enclosure
- Gas + other transportation costs for sourcing food + fridges
- Transport vehicle + maintenance fund