Update on a Paisley from her mommy Melissa.

Paisley, is now 10-1/2 months old. Her little life has touched so many people all around the world. She is still on the trach, but her oxygen is basically what we all breath. Mommy and Daddy have adjusted well to taking care of her needs. It is a lot of work every day, but worth every minute. There is so many needs and supplies that are needed on a day to day basic and every prayer and every dollar given is appreciated more than we could ever say. She is definitely our little miracle and we are thankful that we have been blessed to be a part of her life for almost a year. If you can give, it will be used for Paisleys care. If you have given thank you. If you can’t give and you say a prayer for Paisley and her family it means so much. You have been a great encouragement and touched our lives tremendously.