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Help Emma fight for her life

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Help Emma Mennis Fight for Her Life
Our beloved Emma Mennis needs your help. Emma, a sweet, sometimes sassy, and always loving 17-year-old, was on her way to a camping trip when tragedy struck. A horrible car accident in Daviess County has left her fighting for her life in the ICU.

Emma is an incoming senior at Rolling Meadows High School, known for her love of dogs and infectious smile. Now, she is battling serious health challenges, including bruised and fluid in her lungs and brain bleeds. Her fight is far from over, and she needs all the support she can get.

Why We Need Your Help
The medical expenses are piling up, we are aiming to raise $16,000 to help cover:
  • Immediate medical expenses
  • Specialized treatments and therapies
  • Ongoing care and rehabilitation

Every dollar raised will go directly to Emma and her family, ensuring she gets the best possible care during this critical time.

How You Can Make a Difference
Your support, whether through prayers, positive thoughts, or financial contributions, means the world to Emma and her family. Here are some ways you can help:
  • Donate: No amount is too small.
  • Share: Spread the word by sharing this campaign on social media, with friends, and within your community.
  • Pray: Keep Emma in your thoughts and prayers as she fights to recover.

Thank you for your generosity and support. Let's give Emma the fighting chance she deserves.


  • Lisa Mathias
    • $500
    • 1 mo
  • Joseph McPhillips
    • $50
    • 2 mos
  • Ryan Klaczek
    • $30
    • 2 mos
  • Anonym
    • $50
    • 2 mos
  • Hope Baker
    • $50
    • 2 mos

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Kim Mueller
Rolling Meadows, IL
Alexis Mennis

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