WSRC Match Challenge
Tax deductible
Greetings WSRC!
We are thrilled to announce several planned facility upgrades to the West Side Rowing Club in the coming months that include new bay doors, tank room renovations, additional sculling racks, and painting the Doc Schaab boathouse. These upgrades will benefit the rowing community for many years to come.
To help us raise the $50,000 needed for these upgrades, a private donor has offered a challenge: Raise $25,000 by May 31, and it will be matched dollar-for-dollar. That means for every dollar donated during this period effectively equals two dollars.
Please consider donating today at www.wsrc.org/donate or by mail to the West Side Rowing Club at 1 Rotary Row, Buffalo, NY. 14201.
Thank you for your continued support of WSRC!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Kirk Lang at [email redacted].
The West Side Rowing Club is a non-profit organization whose purpose is the advancement of the physical, mental, and moral well-being of the youth of the City of Buffalo, New York and surrounding communities through education, training, instruction, and participation in the art of rowing and other athletic pursuits.
West Side Rowing Club Inc.