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Never expected a stroke at the age of 22 but life is full of surprises. On March 8th I was attending an event in Columbus for school social Work. I was feeling Fine all morning. That evening I started feeling off with being real dizzy, and nausous. I thought it was vertigo. I was diagnosed with that a week or two prior to they school social work event. So I ask the girl who drove me if she could drive me back since she wasn't feeling fine either. When I returned home I slept. As I woke up I couldn't hear from my left ear and I thought it was just the vertigo so I laid back down. Next thing I know when I woke up I couldn't move my left side. My husband said your going to hospital. So the ran test and such and sicial worker came in. I couldn't go to bathroom on my own, get dress, walk,or brush my teeth or hair in my own. Everthing I needed assistance with and I had learn to use a walker. The social worker recommended a care faculity for physical therapy for strength and therapy. Since being there i am learning to do all them things but its still a long recovery. I am looking for family, friends, neighbors and the community to reach out and help us financially as I am recovering.


Shayanne Longman
Dayton, OH

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