We All Need A Little TLC Support Local
Donation protected
Exciting news!!! As you all know I have been teaching sewing classes for people of all ages and have classes every Saturday. Well by request people would like me to continue to teach this life long trait. I need help to continue to keep my store alive. It has been such a great journey and having your support truly brightens my life. As well ass keeps us going everyday to serve our community.
I want to teach the world my craft and continue to run my store front. I could use your support whether it's by shopping in "a remix art gallery" or donating to our "GoFundMe" account. Custom works are available or there is great works inside to purchase. We Ship! So Please check out our website www.aremixartgallery.com . The current workshops will be altered soon to reflect our changes.
We need help, if you can please support us, the community will still be welcome in the studio.
We will have a great selection of our art work, jewelry, vintage clothing & Professional alterations on-hand.
Details will come soon!!!
Here is a little background story:
My name is Jeanmarie Griffin, I am the owner of a remix art gallery, which has been open since Friday, May 13, 2011.
I am a REuse artist among other things, but creating art from previously-used (reuse) products is my passion, I REmake, UPcycle, REsell, REstyle, REcycle, and REmix the old into fabulous new art (see: www.aremixartgallery.com).
As a master tailor I provide custom sewing, sewing workshops for art and ready-to-wear. The other things I do include painting fine art, portraits and abstract designs, making jewelry, and enjoying the diverse population that peruse my gallery.
aremixartgallery is a creative reuse center which serves to inspire others who are looking for a place to REsell their handcrafted art and as a REsource to others who are looking for unique and unconventional supplies.
I am very fortunate to have had well over 50 other Artists display their work at aremixartgallery since I opened. Artists come from all walks of life "“ from the educated, inspiring entrepreneur, to the creative thinker who lacks a home. Currently there are three (3) local artists who consign their work through the Gallery. We did but are no longer having availability to new artists but may open that opportunity back up once we can get things moving steadily again.
aremixartgallery is located in a popular and diverse community "“ a community that has made me feel welcomed and very much a part of the community. The community celebrates local art via a monthly Art Walk. Since May 2011 I have been able to provide local musicians to play and entertain passersby in an empty lot next to the Gallery. The music has significantly added to the ambiance and fun had by patrons and visitors.
Despite the Gallery's popularity, encouraging words from patrons who are happy to have a venue like this one available to the community, and great location in a creative rich neighborhood, the Gallery runs the risk of closure. aremixartgallery has been helpful and inspiring to so many artists who either come to the Gallery for ideas, opportunities to learn and practice a craft, or for those who come to sell their own creative work. With such popularity and great opportunities that the Gallery provides, I desperately need additional funding to continue this work.
Funding I receive will do three things:
#1 Employ someone to help me keep the store open seven days a week or by lengthening current store hours. Artists and family members have helped out immensely, but they cannot continue to work for free.
#2 Funds could serve to reduce my expenses, increase my income, and keep the Gallery open in the local art community. After all expenses are paid, my sole income comes from the art I sell "“ mine and that which results from consignment.
#3 Continue to run sewing classes out of the gallery. Which includes maintenance to machines and purchasing supplies.
As an artist, I have many ideas for the Gallery. I enjoy the frequent patrons and the self-professed fans of the Gallery "“ if you are a fan, please share this request for funding so you can be a part of the future plans.
ne of the photos, is my painting called, The Vitrious Woman. I selected this particular painting because she is much like me : the painting demonstrates just a small part of my work. For more information, see the video on Facebook for this crowd funder. Please watch it and any others you find there.
Thank you
Jeanmarie Griffin
I want to teach the world my craft and continue to run my store front. I could use your support whether it's by shopping in "a remix art gallery" or donating to our "GoFundMe" account. Custom works are available or there is great works inside to purchase. We Ship! So Please check out our website www.aremixartgallery.com . The current workshops will be altered soon to reflect our changes.
We need help, if you can please support us, the community will still be welcome in the studio.
We will have a great selection of our art work, jewelry, vintage clothing & Professional alterations on-hand.
Details will come soon!!!
Here is a little background story:
My name is Jeanmarie Griffin, I am the owner of a remix art gallery, which has been open since Friday, May 13, 2011.
I am a REuse artist among other things, but creating art from previously-used (reuse) products is my passion, I REmake, UPcycle, REsell, REstyle, REcycle, and REmix the old into fabulous new art (see: www.aremixartgallery.com).
As a master tailor I provide custom sewing, sewing workshops for art and ready-to-wear. The other things I do include painting fine art, portraits and abstract designs, making jewelry, and enjoying the diverse population that peruse my gallery.
aremixartgallery is a creative reuse center which serves to inspire others who are looking for a place to REsell their handcrafted art and as a REsource to others who are looking for unique and unconventional supplies.
I am very fortunate to have had well over 50 other Artists display their work at aremixartgallery since I opened. Artists come from all walks of life "“ from the educated, inspiring entrepreneur, to the creative thinker who lacks a home. Currently there are three (3) local artists who consign their work through the Gallery. We did but are no longer having availability to new artists but may open that opportunity back up once we can get things moving steadily again.
aremixartgallery is located in a popular and diverse community "“ a community that has made me feel welcomed and very much a part of the community. The community celebrates local art via a monthly Art Walk. Since May 2011 I have been able to provide local musicians to play and entertain passersby in an empty lot next to the Gallery. The music has significantly added to the ambiance and fun had by patrons and visitors.
Despite the Gallery's popularity, encouraging words from patrons who are happy to have a venue like this one available to the community, and great location in a creative rich neighborhood, the Gallery runs the risk of closure. aremixartgallery has been helpful and inspiring to so many artists who either come to the Gallery for ideas, opportunities to learn and practice a craft, or for those who come to sell their own creative work. With such popularity and great opportunities that the Gallery provides, I desperately need additional funding to continue this work.
Funding I receive will do three things:
#1 Employ someone to help me keep the store open seven days a week or by lengthening current store hours. Artists and family members have helped out immensely, but they cannot continue to work for free.
#2 Funds could serve to reduce my expenses, increase my income, and keep the Gallery open in the local art community. After all expenses are paid, my sole income comes from the art I sell "“ mine and that which results from consignment.
#3 Continue to run sewing classes out of the gallery. Which includes maintenance to machines and purchasing supplies.
As an artist, I have many ideas for the Gallery. I enjoy the frequent patrons and the self-professed fans of the Gallery "“ if you are a fan, please share this request for funding so you can be a part of the future plans.
ne of the photos, is my painting called, The Vitrious Woman. I selected this particular painting because she is much like me : the painting demonstrates just a small part of my work. For more information, see the video on Facebook for this crowd funder. Please watch it and any others you find there.
Thank you
Jeanmarie Griffin
Jeanmarie Art
Carrboro, NC