Holiday Gift Drive
Tax deductible
We are Ags REACH, a student organization and chapter of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit, The REACH Project. Our organization has a very specific mission: To support a subset of the Bryan/College Station community who are often overlooked in the day-to-day at Texas A&M University, but who play an integral role in our campus and community. Every fall semester, we host a gift drive for these children and families in need and would love to have your help in giving back.
These are the outsourced contract workers such as the custodial, food service, maintenance, and grounds workers, who we call “Essential Aggies” (yes, all of these workers are outsourced and no longer officially employed by Texas A&M). Every single day they clean 700 buildings, maintain 5,200 acres, and keep our campus functioning for over 70,000 students and 3,500 faculty members. Our service acts are dedicated to this community and their families.
The Holiday Gift Drive that Ags REACH hosts is unique because it directly gives back to those who we rely on every day on-campus, but hardly get the chance to thank for all they do. Participating in our Gift Drive will support these Essential Aggie families by providing their children with gifts early during the month of December, and will give us in the A&M community a chance to show we appreciate them
Julieta Corallo
College Station, TX
The REACH Project