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My granddaughter, Danielle Carter: On November 9, 2017, Danielle's life and the lives of her 5 children (all under the age of 12) were changed forever.

Danielle, her cousin, and a good friend were leaving their place of employment heading to the home that one of the girls had just rented and was excited to show off what would be her new home.  As they got out of the car to go up the steps to enter the home, shots rang out and Danielle’s cousin and her friend were killed. Danielle was critically injured with 10 bullets hitting her body.  As she struggled to get away, screaming all the while, the gunman tackled her and beat on her body.  A neighbor heard the commotion and called 911.

My granddaughter was in critical condition but still alive.  She was rushed to the hospital and immediately went into surgery to remove the bullets that they felt had to be removed, leaving some in her body because it would have been too dangerous to remove them.  She was in the hospital for at least two weeks, but without insurance, the hospital kept her just long enough to stabilize her.  She was released into the care of her father whose home she moved into.  The children were taken into the homes of family members because, as you can imagine, Danielle would not be able to care for them.   Shortly thereafter her father asked that she leave because he could not handle the stress.  A good friend took her into her home.

Without insurance and with no help from the hospital, Danielle is working very hard to put her body and life back together.  Her left arm is useless, she is in a wheelchair most of the time, and walks a few steps with the help of a walker.  She is determined that she will walk again and will be able to work again.  She wants to have her children with her and be able to raise them which is not possible at this stage.

I am trying to raise money for her to be able to get the medical attention she needs including physical and occupational therapy that will allow her to work and support herself and raise her children.  Any help you can give is very much appreciated.


Jan Keller
St. Petersburg, FL

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