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Caesar's Medical Funding

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Pride comes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18

My name is Pam Campbell and I married Caesar Campbell Sr December 11th, 1975, 40 years ago.

I would like to raise funds to assist with expenses for Caesar who was recently diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer.  This was shocking news because he has never even had the flu and has always had excellent health.  At the time of the diagnosis, Caesar said he could not complain because God has given him 60 years of great health.  Caesar is currently undergoing daily radiation and chemotherapy and slated to have surgery after the 1st of the year.  Since starting treatment in November 2015, he has been unemployed and financial assistance is needed almost immediately.   

Caesar has dedicated his life to helping others and keeping a positive attitude even in the face of a cancer diagnosis. It would mean the world to me and all of our family if we could alleviate the  financial burden of cancer treatment.  

As believers in Christ, we know that this too shall pass and we are more than conquerors! Please keep our family lifted in prayer for we know that it works.  

We would be more than thankful for the smallest act of kindness for we know it’s worth more than the grandest intention. 

Kind regards,
The Campbell Family


  • Natalie Nelson
    • $50
    • 8 yrs


Pamela A Campbell
Richmond, TX

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