Steven Constantine
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Steven Constantine was attacked by 11 Pit Bulls on October 04, 2014, leaving him with out his left arm, left leg, and Left ear. His right arm & leg were so badly injured, that he has very limited use of either.
Steven Constantine can be discribed as a gentle, loving soul. He is always ready with a witty comback to lighten any conversation. And when he flashes his smile his eyes sparkle and his dimples appear spreading joy to everyoneone in his path.
He will suprise the best of us by only finding good qualities in even the darkest people he has encountered.
By the grace of God, Steven survived the horrific attack.
We were told by the Detective & EMS Parametics that arrived on the scene, that they had to sit by and watch in horror (from inside their vehicle) as Steven was being eaten alive, because they had to wait for back up before they could saftley get out to help him.
The hole time they watched the dogs visiously attacking my brother they could hear him pleading for help. As the attack continued Steve's voice became fainter, but he never stopped asked for help. He was heard repetadly saying "God please help me!"
Steven was taken to Detroit Receiving Hospital, were a team of skilled physician's and nurses worked around the clock to piece his mutilated body together.
When Steven came out of the operating room He was missing his Left arm just below the Shouder, & his left ear. The doctors tried to reattach his left leg, but later had to remove it. 70% of his body & the back of his head was covered with dog bites. Miraculasly most of his face was unharmed. You can barley see the scar that the plastic surgeon carefully reconstructed from the bridge of his nose to the length of his eyebrow.
His right arm & leg were degloved below the elbow & knee.
(5) Five wound Vac's were placed on the limbs to prevent infection. We were told that was a hospital record.
Steven was unconcious for several days and was listed as John Doe.
I was in the kitchen cooking dinner while Loryn worked on her homework as we heard the story aired on the 7 p.m. news.
They only mentioned the victim as being a man in his fifties. We couldn't bear to listen to the grusum detail's. It was so sad that we turned off the T.V.
Four days later, the phone rang as I was running out the door to take Loryn to Therapy.
I'm not sure why I went back in to answer it, but I did.
On ther other End was a reporter asking me something about my brother Steven Constantine, who was mauled by the Pit Bulls in Detroit.
Disbelief fludded my mind as the story unfolded
You see, Steven had been missing and we (his family) had been searching for him.
Steven has suffered from a mental illness most of his adult life and lived with his brothers & sister until he dissappeared over a year ago.
I remember Screaming how do know it was my brother, How old was he?
When he said fifty years old I accidently hung up the phone. He called back and I begged him to tell me where he was. He told me Detroit Reciving Hospital.
When I called te hospital I told the nurse my name and said my brother was a 50 year old Greek Orthodox man & might be the victim from the dog maulling.
She told me to wait while she put the phone up to his ear.
The voice on the other end was weak. He responded by saying "Hey Sis, I need you."
I'm Sorry, but it's so emotioally draining to talk about the this. I will post more tomorrow.
Steven Constantine can be discribed as a gentle, loving soul. He is always ready with a witty comback to lighten any conversation. And when he flashes his smile his eyes sparkle and his dimples appear spreading joy to everyoneone in his path.
He will suprise the best of us by only finding good qualities in even the darkest people he has encountered.
By the grace of God, Steven survived the horrific attack.
We were told by the Detective & EMS Parametics that arrived on the scene, that they had to sit by and watch in horror (from inside their vehicle) as Steven was being eaten alive, because they had to wait for back up before they could saftley get out to help him.
The hole time they watched the dogs visiously attacking my brother they could hear him pleading for help. As the attack continued Steve's voice became fainter, but he never stopped asked for help. He was heard repetadly saying "God please help me!"
Steven was taken to Detroit Receiving Hospital, were a team of skilled physician's and nurses worked around the clock to piece his mutilated body together.
When Steven came out of the operating room He was missing his Left arm just below the Shouder, & his left ear. The doctors tried to reattach his left leg, but later had to remove it. 70% of his body & the back of his head was covered with dog bites. Miraculasly most of his face was unharmed. You can barley see the scar that the plastic surgeon carefully reconstructed from the bridge of his nose to the length of his eyebrow.
His right arm & leg were degloved below the elbow & knee.
(5) Five wound Vac's were placed on the limbs to prevent infection. We were told that was a hospital record.
Steven was unconcious for several days and was listed as John Doe.
I was in the kitchen cooking dinner while Loryn worked on her homework as we heard the story aired on the 7 p.m. news.
They only mentioned the victim as being a man in his fifties. We couldn't bear to listen to the grusum detail's. It was so sad that we turned off the T.V.
Four days later, the phone rang as I was running out the door to take Loryn to Therapy.
I'm not sure why I went back in to answer it, but I did.
On ther other End was a reporter asking me something about my brother Steven Constantine, who was mauled by the Pit Bulls in Detroit.
Disbelief fludded my mind as the story unfolded
You see, Steven had been missing and we (his family) had been searching for him.
Steven has suffered from a mental illness most of his adult life and lived with his brothers & sister until he dissappeared over a year ago.
I remember Screaming how do know it was my brother, How old was he?
When he said fifty years old I accidently hung up the phone. He called back and I begged him to tell me where he was. He told me Detroit Reciving Hospital.
When I called te hospital I told the nurse my name and said my brother was a 50 year old Greek Orthodox man & might be the victim from the dog maulling.
She told me to wait while she put the phone up to his ear.
The voice on the other end was weak. He responded by saying "Hey Sis, I need you."
I'm Sorry, but it's so emotioally draining to talk about the this. I will post more tomorrow.
Steven Constantine
Utica, MI