Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

God's WILL

Spende geschützt
Our grandson who is 7 1/2 yrs old. Has recently been diagnosed with (NPC) NiemannpickC This is a devastating fatal genetic disorder that affects the liver, the spleen, and the brain. Our grandson travels along with his mom and dad twice a month to Dell children's hospital in Austin Texas for spinal injections. In hope that this will slow the progression of his disease. Please help us raise money for airfare, lodging, and meals. As these things may seem small to most, traveling that frequently can becom costly quick. Thank each of you for support and most of all your prayers for our grandson Will Andrew Lansdown


  • Doug Rapp
    • $100
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Donna Sparks
Louisville, KY
Jessica Lansdown

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