Turney family
My name is Maria Turney. You may have seen a previous GoFundMe page a year ago, set up by a close friend. When my husband was involved in a major car accident, was committed to Harborview Hospital ICU for 28 days straight, on life support. Today, a year and a half later, he is still battling the effects of that car accident, facing worsening physical and mental challenges, and still under the care of a doctor. He is unable to do most activities of daily living, so I provide the care my husband needs, 24 hours a day, seven days a
On May 7, 2020, I received a devastating phone call from my doctor’s office – the results from
the three mammograms, one ultrasound, a
biopsy and an MRI revealed I have breast cancer, invasive ductal carcinoma. I have met once with the surgeon who explained the results of all
these tests and my options for treatment. It is
Stage 1, so I am holding off on the surgery,
because I simply do not have the ability to pay
for the surgery and the treatment. I told the
doctor that I cannot do the surgery yet, and I
was told there is always a chance of the cancer
progressing if not treated early. I am at a loss – I need to have the surgery done and get the
treatment to be able to work and care for my
husband, my daughter, my family. But, how am I going to pay for it?
I cannot do it alone. I need your help, and I admit I am embarrassed to ask for help, because I’ve
always thought of myself as a strong woman.
Cancer is teaching me there comes a time in a
“strong” person’s life that one must be humbled and taught that no man is an island, that one cannot exist without the help and kindness of
others. So I am setting aside my false pride, and
in all humility and bended knees, I ask for your
Maria wrote this for me before Scott ended up in the hospital again. We are not sure what is
going on but they need help now more than ever.