Xenia Zuniga F*** Cancer
Donation protected
*****this is from Xenia's FB post I was going to edit it but I want you all to understand why she needs the help so any little or much you can give will help ease her stress and focus on staying healthy for herself and her daughter.......
I’m sure by now you all know I have been battling cancer for the past 4 months. At the beginning of July I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma stage 2. It all started with a lump on my neck that came but went away. I didn’t have any other symptoms. Then one day lump came back pushing against my airway in my throat. I ended up going to the hospital on Friday June 26. They kept me over the weekend running tests trying to figure out what it was. They did an ultra sound they thought it was a cyst. They did blood test they thought it was an infection. They did x rays and found a mass in chest and in throat they said it was swollen lymph nodes that it may be cancer. I cried so much that day all alone in my room. Never would I have imagined this would happen to me. Monday came and they told me I was going to get a biopsy. They said it would only 1 hour and they just needed a sample. I’ve never had surgery in my life but was scared shitless. That hour surgery turned into a 4 hour surgery. They ended up taking 2 lymph nodes the size of lemons. When I woke up I was taken back to my room. I felt ok everything was good. Then out of no where I fainted. I woke up not realizing what was going on seeing a room full of doctors my mom holding my hand my compadre taking gaby out the room while she yelling out for me. I couldn’t talk, I lost feeling on my right side, my left side of my face became droopy, then I coded. I don’t remember anything after that. They told me I might of had a mini stroke that maybe I threw a blood clot they never found anything. For the next 3 days they had me in observation. Then I was discharged to go home until my results. My neck hurted so much I couldn’t move it, I couldn’t pick up my kid, I couldn’t even sleep right, I couldn’t even lay down all the way. A week later I received my pathology results and it was confirmed I had cancer. Right away my doctor wanted me to get admitted and run a whole bunch of tests to make sure I was able to withstand chemotherapy. The day before my birthday was my 1st chemo treatment. I’ve always said MIND OVER MATTER. My mind is stronger that what’s to come I got this. I said I wouldn’t let myself down I will push through all of this for me and most importantly my kid. I would be going through 4 cycles 2 sessions each. At the middle of my cycles I took a pet scan that determined chemo was working baby my masses where shrinking. I was so thankful. As my chemos went by they kept telling me how surprised they were at how I was handling it all and they were Impressed with my attitude through out this all. Then the day came when my Dr started to tell me I would be gettin worse as my chemo progressed. I said it’s ok I got this. Then I became sick and kept going in and out the hospital and they couldn’t tell me what was wrong I had a very sharp pain in my chest. It was hard to breath everything hurted. It came down to the drs in emergency saying I had a mental problem because they couldn’t find what was wrong with me but I knew what I was feeling. When they discharged me and I saw my diagnosis I cried. Like really like it I ain’t bad enough I’m dealing with cancer that I now they think I have mental problems. I finally was able to see my Dr. and he told me he believes I had a minor case of pneumonia I felt relief. I was sick and felt like shit for almost 2 weeks. By this my time my hair has already started to fall out I felt so depressed and sad all I did was cry and go through it. My sisters asked if I would let gaby spend some time in Vegas for the remainder of my treatment and I said yes. I didn’t want to let her go cause she has been my motivation for all of this. When I got sick and threw up she would sit by me with her hand on my shoulder. She never left my side, she didn’t even want to go with grandma or anything she’s just wanted to be with me even if I was asleep she was always there. After she left my job laid me off I didn’t have money or anything bills don’t pay themselves. Shit was tough. I have been crying and just a big bottle of emotions that it has taken me awhile to get through it. But I have a good support system that’s has been with me through out it all and for that I’m very grateful. No words will ever amount. I’m not saying I’m cancer free but I’m one step closer. Today is my last day of chemo. My drs are hopeful I won’t need anymore chemo and by the time I take my next pet scan after this chemo I will be cancer free. The hardest part is already over. Something I never thought I would get over i overcame! It’s was not easy. Cancer kicked my ass but I kicked it right back! #fuckcancer
I’m sure by now you all know I have been battling cancer for the past 4 months. At the beginning of July I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma stage 2. It all started with a lump on my neck that came but went away. I didn’t have any other symptoms. Then one day lump came back pushing against my airway in my throat. I ended up going to the hospital on Friday June 26. They kept me over the weekend running tests trying to figure out what it was. They did an ultra sound they thought it was a cyst. They did blood test they thought it was an infection. They did x rays and found a mass in chest and in throat they said it was swollen lymph nodes that it may be cancer. I cried so much that day all alone in my room. Never would I have imagined this would happen to me. Monday came and they told me I was going to get a biopsy. They said it would only 1 hour and they just needed a sample. I’ve never had surgery in my life but was scared shitless. That hour surgery turned into a 4 hour surgery. They ended up taking 2 lymph nodes the size of lemons. When I woke up I was taken back to my room. I felt ok everything was good. Then out of no where I fainted. I woke up not realizing what was going on seeing a room full of doctors my mom holding my hand my compadre taking gaby out the room while she yelling out for me. I couldn’t talk, I lost feeling on my right side, my left side of my face became droopy, then I coded. I don’t remember anything after that. They told me I might of had a mini stroke that maybe I threw a blood clot they never found anything. For the next 3 days they had me in observation. Then I was discharged to go home until my results. My neck hurted so much I couldn’t move it, I couldn’t pick up my kid, I couldn’t even sleep right, I couldn’t even lay down all the way. A week later I received my pathology results and it was confirmed I had cancer. Right away my doctor wanted me to get admitted and run a whole bunch of tests to make sure I was able to withstand chemotherapy. The day before my birthday was my 1st chemo treatment. I’ve always said MIND OVER MATTER. My mind is stronger that what’s to come I got this. I said I wouldn’t let myself down I will push through all of this for me and most importantly my kid. I would be going through 4 cycles 2 sessions each. At the middle of my cycles I took a pet scan that determined chemo was working baby my masses where shrinking. I was so thankful. As my chemos went by they kept telling me how surprised they were at how I was handling it all and they were Impressed with my attitude through out this all. Then the day came when my Dr started to tell me I would be gettin worse as my chemo progressed. I said it’s ok I got this. Then I became sick and kept going in and out the hospital and they couldn’t tell me what was wrong I had a very sharp pain in my chest. It was hard to breath everything hurted. It came down to the drs in emergency saying I had a mental problem because they couldn’t find what was wrong with me but I knew what I was feeling. When they discharged me and I saw my diagnosis I cried. Like really like it I ain’t bad enough I’m dealing with cancer that I now they think I have mental problems. I finally was able to see my Dr. and he told me he believes I had a minor case of pneumonia I felt relief. I was sick and felt like shit for almost 2 weeks. By this my time my hair has already started to fall out I felt so depressed and sad all I did was cry and go through it. My sisters asked if I would let gaby spend some time in Vegas for the remainder of my treatment and I said yes. I didn’t want to let her go cause she has been my motivation for all of this. When I got sick and threw up she would sit by me with her hand on my shoulder. She never left my side, she didn’t even want to go with grandma or anything she’s just wanted to be with me even if I was asleep she was always there. After she left my job laid me off I didn’t have money or anything bills don’t pay themselves. Shit was tough. I have been crying and just a big bottle of emotions that it has taken me awhile to get through it. But I have a good support system that’s has been with me through out it all and for that I’m very grateful. No words will ever amount. I’m not saying I’m cancer free but I’m one step closer. Today is my last day of chemo. My drs are hopeful I won’t need anymore chemo and by the time I take my next pet scan after this chemo I will be cancer free. The hardest part is already over. Something I never thought I would get over i overcame! It’s was not easy. Cancer kicked my ass but I kicked it right back! #fuckcancer
Organizer and beneficiary
Jo Ann Maya Martinez
Oakland, CA
xenia zuniga