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Sensory room safe place

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I am writing to you in the hope you maybe able to help us as a family. My daughter Vanessa who is now 5 is one of around 500 patients in the world diagnosed with DYRK1A. DYRK1A syndrome is characterized by intellectual disability including impaired speech development, autism spectrum disorder including anxious and/or stereotypic behavior problems, and microcephaly. Along with this Vanessa has many other issues including cerebral palsy. Vanessa is also a tip toe walker so can only walk a few yards before needing to go in her pushchair that we managed to raise funds for last Christmas, as a family of 6 this has been a godsend. Vanessa has 3 wonderful sisters who are so supportive and helpful around the house and with Vanessa. However we are at the moment having Vanessa’s younger sister tested as there are concerns she may have the same condition. So the reason I’m trying to raise money is to buy Vanessa sensory equipment and a purpose built wooden cabin especially for her and potentially her younger sister. Vanessa has tried to go to a specialist school but has found it challenging and has fallen into a depressive mood not even drinking now. So this also has to be given via her tube. I have taken a massive decision to home school Vanessa and this building will help. I have written to many organisations who are willing to help with sensory equipment but not the building itself. Because my partner works shift work, it makes it difficult for me to work as she needs care 24 hours a day. I know it is a big ask but if you, or any connections you may have, can help at all I know it will benefit our family greatly. This is not something I ask easily, as I never thought we would be in this position, but like any parent, I’m just trying to do the best for my children. I hope you could consider donating something towards helping us create a safe stimulating space for Vanessa in the hopes that this will help with her development. Thank you for taking the time to read this every penny is gratefully received no matter how great or small.


  • Joanna Sandomierska
    • £5
    • 5 mos
  • Anonym
    • £5
    • 1 yr
  • Deryn Gipp
    • £10
    • 1 yr
  • Angela Parker
    • £10
    • 1 yr
  • Anonym
    • £5
    • 1 yr


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