Donation protected
We all mothereffin' queenz in this world,
don't let anybody tell you you're not,
you do you, you're the best
flip the script and ditch the stress
don't let anybody tell you you're less, queen,
yas, queen,
YALL HEARD IT HERE FIRST SEXXKATEERS! Ya fave diva MCs from the mean streets of W.Mass are hitting the road with some of our best friends this summer for our FIRST EVER EAST COAST TOUR! Help us live the dream by helping us drum up some ca$h for gas, solo snaxx, merch (!!), and some studio time to record our ALL NEW TRAXX, yas queen, love sexx and danger, and it's ok!
we will make it worth your while with copies of our Party Musik EP, tixx to a tour date of your choice, customized SOLO SEXX fanny packs, custom rapz, and more!
a little goes a long way, so help us live the dream and bring our brand of fierce fabulous flavaaa up and down the east coast! we promise, this will be the SEXXIEST SUMMER OF YOUR LIFE!
$5: free downloads off solosexx.bandcamp.com
$10: custom rap ( 8 bars) on a topic of your choice recorded and sent to you!
$15: solo sexx fannypack!
$20: Party Musik EP and stickers!
$25: guest list to show of your choice!
$40: fannypack, 5 stickers, Party Musik EP, and a custom rap!
$50+: All of the above plus MYSTERY GIFT
June 26: Brighton Music Hall in Boston, MA
June 28: Bar Matchless in Brooklyn, NY
June 30: Blind Tiger in Greensboro, NC
July 3: House Show in Baltimore, MD
July 4: North Star Bar in Philly, PA
July 10: AS220 in Providence, RI
July 11: The Shop in Worcester, MA
don't let anybody tell you you're not,
you do you, you're the best
flip the script and ditch the stress
don't let anybody tell you you're less, queen,
yas, queen,
YALL HEARD IT HERE FIRST SEXXKATEERS! Ya fave diva MCs from the mean streets of W.Mass are hitting the road with some of our best friends this summer for our FIRST EVER EAST COAST TOUR! Help us live the dream by helping us drum up some ca$h for gas, solo snaxx, merch (!!), and some studio time to record our ALL NEW TRAXX, yas queen, love sexx and danger, and it's ok!
we will make it worth your while with copies of our Party Musik EP, tixx to a tour date of your choice, customized SOLO SEXX fanny packs, custom rapz, and more!
a little goes a long way, so help us live the dream and bring our brand of fierce fabulous flavaaa up and down the east coast! we promise, this will be the SEXXIEST SUMMER OF YOUR LIFE!
$5: free downloads off solosexx.bandcamp.com
$10: custom rap ( 8 bars) on a topic of your choice recorded and sent to you!
$15: solo sexx fannypack!
$20: Party Musik EP and stickers!
$25: guest list to show of your choice!
$40: fannypack, 5 stickers, Party Musik EP, and a custom rap!
$50+: All of the above plus MYSTERY GIFT
June 26: Brighton Music Hall in Boston, MA
June 28: Bar Matchless in Brooklyn, NY
June 30: Blind Tiger in Greensboro, NC
July 3: House Show in Baltimore, MD
July 4: North Star Bar in Philly, PA
July 10: AS220 in Providence, RI
July 11: The Shop in Worcester, MA
Heather Mack
Somerville, MA