Yawanawa Reforestation Project
Tax deductible
"The Mutum village is located in the Rio Gregório Indigenous Land, municipality of Tarauacá, State of Acre.
Currently the Yawanawa people are around 1,500.00 people distributed in 8 villages (Matrinchã, Amparo, Yawarany, 7 Estrela, Tibúrcio, Escondido, Mutum and Nova Esperança) along the territory of 187,400 hectares, with an estimated perimeter around 245 kilometers.
In the Mutum village there are about 200 people including men, women and children. Their livelihood has been through hunting, fishing and agriculture.
The idea of the Project arose from reflections made by the community itself on the quality of life in which the Yawanawa of Aldeia Mutum currently live. Although we have an extensive area in our territory, there are some areas that have already been deforested to make the traditional swiddens and that today are "capoeiras", that is, areas that over the years have been expanding more and more, without taking any advantage.
We believe that by reforesting the entire "capoera" area with native and regional fruits, as well as native and regional straws, it is possible to have more abundance in our villages and more quality of life in the area of overall health.
The idea of reforesting goes beyond having a good quality of life. The project brings with it the rescue, strengthening, valuing the culture of the custom and the tradition of the Yawanawa people. As well as awareness and education in caring for our forest, that is, when we plant trees, fruits, straws we are not just planting a tree, we plant hope, we plant life, and we generate awareness in young people to continue the work we are doing today .
To plant is to bring our customs back, as it has everything to do with our food and our food is directly linked to study and spiritual growth according to Yawanawa knowledge.
However, we want to reuse these areas for reforestation by planting fruit plants like
ORANGE, POKAN, ACEROLA, BIRĪTÁ, TANGERINA, INGÁ, COCO, MANGA, LEMON, GUIABA, GRAVIOLA, CUPUAÇU, CAJÁ, CAJARANA, CAJÚ, CACAO, ACAI, and many others. As well as the native plants that are part of the Yawanawa diet but which over the years has been getting farther and farther from homes such as: PAMA, YAE, VĪUSH, SHEKEXI, ITIVI ..." - Matsini Yawanawa, Chief, Aldeia Mutum.
Please donate if you can, anything helps! Please share with your friends and community about this sustainability project for the Yawanawa village, Mutum. If you would like to make a donation or a larger size you can email me and we can organize this together for 100% tax deductions.
Deep gratitude and love,
Warren Hellerud & Bastiaan Kamavena
Organized by Floresta Association, Boa Foundation, & Bastiaan Kamavena.
Currently the Yawanawa people are around 1,500.00 people distributed in 8 villages (Matrinchã, Amparo, Yawarany, 7 Estrela, Tibúrcio, Escondido, Mutum and Nova Esperança) along the territory of 187,400 hectares, with an estimated perimeter around 245 kilometers.
In the Mutum village there are about 200 people including men, women and children. Their livelihood has been through hunting, fishing and agriculture.
The idea of the Project arose from reflections made by the community itself on the quality of life in which the Yawanawa of Aldeia Mutum currently live. Although we have an extensive area in our territory, there are some areas that have already been deforested to make the traditional swiddens and that today are "capoeiras", that is, areas that over the years have been expanding more and more, without taking any advantage.
We believe that by reforesting the entire "capoera" area with native and regional fruits, as well as native and regional straws, it is possible to have more abundance in our villages and more quality of life in the area of overall health.
The idea of reforesting goes beyond having a good quality of life. The project brings with it the rescue, strengthening, valuing the culture of the custom and the tradition of the Yawanawa people. As well as awareness and education in caring for our forest, that is, when we plant trees, fruits, straws we are not just planting a tree, we plant hope, we plant life, and we generate awareness in young people to continue the work we are doing today .
To plant is to bring our customs back, as it has everything to do with our food and our food is directly linked to study and spiritual growth according to Yawanawa knowledge.
However, we want to reuse these areas for reforestation by planting fruit plants like
ORANGE, POKAN, ACEROLA, BIRĪTÁ, TANGERINA, INGÁ, COCO, MANGA, LEMON, GUIABA, GRAVIOLA, CUPUAÇU, CAJÁ, CAJARANA, CAJÚ, CACAO, ACAI, and many others. As well as the native plants that are part of the Yawanawa diet but which over the years has been getting farther and farther from homes such as: PAMA, YAE, VĪUSH, SHEKEXI, ITIVI ..." - Matsini Yawanawa, Chief, Aldeia Mutum.
Please donate if you can, anything helps! Please share with your friends and community about this sustainability project for the Yawanawa village, Mutum. If you would like to make a donation or a larger size you can email me and we can organize this together for 100% tax deductions.
Deep gratitude and love,
Warren Hellerud & Bastiaan Kamavena
Organized by Floresta Association, Boa Foundation, & Bastiaan Kamavena.
Warren Hellerud
Topanga, CA