YBT Relief Fund For SVG
St Vincent and the Grenadines is in a state of emergency.
At this very moment the Gem of the Antilles is under attack by its own beauty, the La Soufriere Volcano. La Soufriere, has finally awaken after over 40 years of rest and has been showing off in the beautiful Southern Caribbean Island of St Vincent and the Grenadines. Spewing ash that has been falling on its neighbors such as Barbados, St Lucia and Grenada, but most importantly its own people.
Young Black Travelers, a travel group based in NY who advocates and encourage youths of color to travel, is committed to using our platforms to help the over 20,000 people who had been displaced by this act of nature. This especially hits home, since our founder Asshur, is from Chateaubelair, a town in the hazard zone.
Funds will be donated to the various shelters on the island particularly serving those displaced. Providing immediate relief (food, clean water, clothes, and other needs).
Let’s band together now to help SVG. An island we love and an island we will all want to visit in the future.