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After making a very tough decision to put my college career on hold just one semester before graduation I am more than joyful to announce that I have started my journey in Ethiopia. I have now been here for a little over a month and God has constantly been blessing me in ways that are humanly unimaginable. I have felt more alive within this last month than I ever have in my entire life. During my time here I have been able to love orphans deeper than I thought I could, I have taught spoken English to children who are transitioning to American cultures, we've painted bedrooms, braided hair, kissed boo-boo's, painted nails and sang silly songs on a daily basis. Families have come for court visits and mission work throughout this past month and I have been able to share my story with them while getting so much encouragement from each of them. You never really realize how much what you are doing matters until a momma comes up to you crying because she's so thankful you're able to love on her child while she can not. Friend's, Jesus has been working in major ways in and through my heart during my short time here. Before I left the states I was able to raise three-fourths of the funds I need for my living expenses through-out the year here in Ethiopia. I have created this link as a way for my friends and family to give from home if they are able. Please know that if you choose to support this journey that you are supporting orphans becoming sons and daughters, you are supporting a child learning a language that will help him/her communicate with his parents, you are supporting God because His word says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." -James 1:27
Organizer and beneficiary
Rachel Keefe
Lynn Murphy