A Fresh Start
Hello my name is Wandrea Moss and most people call me Shaye. I was Falsely accused of Election Fraud during the 2020 Presidential Election. I worked with Fulton County Voter Registration from 2011 to 2022, and it gave me pleasure helping the public learn everything about voting. For a little over a year now,I have been constantly attacked from all communication avenues to a point where I’m afraid to go out in public alone or to even tell anyone my name. My only child has also been greatly affected by the false accusations. I am greatly appreciative to everyone for the help and kind words. I do not want this to happen to any more people, NO ONE deserves to be lied on, harassed, bullied, threatened, or publicly humiliated for any reason. Any support you offer here will help cover my short-term financial needs. Thank you and may God bless each and every one of you.