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United We Roll! Convoy For Canada!

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We are a dedicated group that are organizing a rally from Red Deer Alberta. We have a convoy of trucks making the trip to create awareness for the oil and gas industry. I am Glen Carritt from Innisfail Alberta, Canada. I own and operate a fire and medical safety service company in Alberta, BC, Saskatechwan and Manitoba. We are raising funds for the United We Roll! Convoy For Canada! This is a convoy traveling from all across Canada and uniting in Ottawa. The purpose is to show our concern to the current government that we oppose bill C48 and C69. We are in favour of pipelines to move our products in the oil and gas sector to the rest of Canada as well as the rest of the world. We are apposed to the current format of the carbon tax as well as the UN impact on Canadian boarders.
The funds raised will be used for fuel and incidentals, for vehicles traveling to Ottawa as well as meeting places at various stops on the route. . These funds will be distributed  to fuel trucks and mechanics that will be traveling with the convoy via e transfers or via fuel cards. Funds for meeting places will be paid directly to the managers of the meeting places via e transfers. Some funds may be needed for office supplies and insurance to compete the convoy. 
Thank you for your support,
Glen Carritt


  • Chris Mitchell
    • $25
    • 5 yrs

Spendenteam: Convoy 2019 (2)

Glen Carritt
Haley Wile
Team member

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