Yessica's Committed to Advanced
I never imgagined a class could so deeply alter my perspective until it was the Saturday of my life.
It was the gentle nudge from the light force that is Laura Emmanuel that made me take the Mastery In Transitional Training Basic course. I had no idea what I was in for, but she means a lot to me, and the course meant a lot to her. I was wary and skeptical at first. I had spent her birthday surrounded by people taking the courses, and they were so intensely excited about it that it felt like a religious experience requiring quite a bit of brain washing.
Just before the Basic Course, she gave me a firm push by monetizing her faith in me by putting down my deposit for the class. I'm a believer in miracles and the kindness of others and I'm asking you to prove me right by following her example for the Advanced Course. My goal is to raise $1,700 by September 23, 2016 and I need your help to do it.
The Basic class took my long held ideals and beliefs and fractured them so beautifully that I couldn't see through them anymore. I was no longer confined to answers based on patterns I had already seen because the logic of them was shattered. It has helped me to make deeper connections with my family, seeing what was once burden and responsibility as an opportunity to get to be the person I want to be and the mother my sons deserve. I get to help my Mom in ways that used to feel like punishment because my perspective shifted so much.
My family has seen a difference. It has made me more aware of my actions when it comes to my boys. There's been a shift in my perspective that can be followed and read at my blog on And I have learned the value of power filled hugs and unconditional love.
Over the last few years, I really began looking at what leadership means. I saw it as what I wanted motherhood to mean to me. Leadership is making sure that your team, or my family is working together, and ensuring that I'm working alongside the tail to push them to be the head. Leadership is not about leading a group to the peak of my ability but to lead them into the peak of theirs. It's about showing them I can and will do all they are expected to do because no task is too small or insignificant. It's about creating a better world and contributing to society, one connection at a time.
I deeply believe this course will refine my goals, and tear away my boundaries so I can be the leader my family needs and the person that can change the world through being better and doing more.
My goal is to raise $1700 by September 23, and I need your help. Get to know me through my blog. Donate. Share my campaign.