Help for Tristan
This is the LAST thing I would ever want to do. But after all night crying and thinking about how Jeremy would work all day and go get groceries for us, and go buy clothes for Tristan when he needed them has numbed me to pride and ego. When on Father’s Day he bought Tristan new shoes instead of wanting a gift has numbed to think about what people would think or say. Remembering every time I would call and they were at the store he would say, “Tristan talked me into getting him a cowboy set,” or the last one was, “inflatable swords”.... “but hey, they were only $2.00” has numbed me.
I remembered last night how he helped me with rent and my car payments. He was the man in our lives, he was a provider that DID WHAT HE COULD!!!!! And it is realllllllllllllllly agonizing to have to create this account but I can’t do this alone right now and Tristan deserves to have that peace of mind that he won’t lack for now. Especially after losing the man he loved so much. So I am putting my pride aside and doing this. I don’t expect anything really I just have to try for Tristan’s sake. Thank you!!!!