Help us save our house !
Donation protected
Hi my name is Cori I'm fundraising to help save my mom and I be foreclosed on in our home if we dont pay the past due of over 4 thousand . We have been here for about 18 years and I know hardships has fallen upon us all , but I'm here asking for everyone help!
As we all know the pandemic was a hard time for everyone. Especially for my family. In 2020 my dad passed away from double phenomena in both lungs. That left us all devastated, and heartbroken as he was the rock and the handyman of out home. Sense then me and my mom have struggled with bills and managed to keep them at bay until our well ran dry last year ! My dad was always the one who worked on the well and knew how to fix it if needed. So we didn't know why for sure it wasn't working so we hired someone who works with wells and knows what they were doing. Well that's not entirely what happened. He offered to do a free inspection if we gave him a good rating on Google, that should have been the 1st red flag . But after he "insprected" the well he said we needed over $2 thousand in parts . We didn't have that laying around so we had to borrow the money. Once the parts arrived and were placed it we still didn't have water. He bacally said he didnt know what to say and wouldn't refund the parts as we didn't need them. After a while he completely ignored our calls and calls from people who were trying to get throgh to them for us. So we hired a different person for inspection of our well and he said our well has ran dry and we would have to dig another 50-100 ft to insure we would be able to get water but there was no guarantee. That would be over $4 thousand. We talked to city and see how much it would be to get connected and it was over $3 thousand . So we went with the most logical solution and went with the cheaper option. It took a bit to get it started as the plummer wanted 1/2 the payment upfront and dids payment plans with us afterwards. We were withought water for months and no one could help , we called so many people and no came to out aid. My mom has had alot of medical issues this year which put more strain on us. She lost over 50 pounds which put her under 100 pounds. We found out she had ulcer in her stomach and she had to have a procedure to get them removed and have a stint put in. She got covid and was out 2 weeks with no pay. She currently has back spasms that act up alot but she's trying to work through it and have been going to drs to see whats wrong. Still no answers as of yet. Now that we have water and have the plummer paid off we started to catch up on some bills and getting our things situated. Until we got a letter from our mortage about us going into foreclosure . We've talked to them multiple times even when we didn't have water and they acted like water wasn't a nessisity. When we talked to them recently our mortage readjustment was declined because we're currently in foreclosure. We need to make a high down-payment of at LEAST $2 thousand and the probability of us being approved for payment plans after wards will be approved! The downside is they didn't give us alot of time. We have Until the 15th of September to make a down-payment and see if they'll approve our payment plan. My goal is try to raise as much as I possibly can and get to the $4 thousand if possible !
I appreciate if you've read all of this thus far .
The past 2 years have honestly been a struggle and I don't see us getting out of this withought some help ! We have fur babies that we are also taking care of that we don't want to rehome. If we're not able to keep our house all donations will go towards helping us get back on our feet !
Cori Tellier
New Port Richey, FL