Supporting Sam
Sam has no idea we’re doing this; she’d most likely NOT be happy lol
We all know (and love) our dear friend Sam. She is that friend that asks nothing of you while being exactly what YOU need, when you need it. She’s the most selfless, kind, compassionate, giving, sturdy person in my life (and I know I’m not alone with this sentiment) and it's now our turn to really be there for her.
She will NEVER ask for our help but she does need it..
2020 has been pretty rough to Sam, as most of us know. From pregnancy, to miscarriage, to cancerous placenta, to fainting spells, to ruptured cysts, and MORE. I know there isnt much we can do to take the pain away from Sam but there is something we can do about the medical bills they will be swimming in.
Sam never asks us for anything and this is something that can turn her year around with the quickness! Lets try to raise $3,000 to help Sam and Matt with medical bills. If we raise more, that can give Sam the cushion she needs to take some additional time off for maternity leave when the time comes for them, hopefully end of this year.
I don't think Sam will want this posted publicly (what do you guys think?) but please do share with your family and friends- especially ones that know and love Sam and would want to support her! Lets NOT let Sam know what we are doing yet!