Yolanda Tapia’s Funeral & Memorial Fundraiser
Mom “suddenly” passed away on February 27, 2020 between 0400-0600. She died in her sleep. I spoke to the Dr. and he stated although mom was ill she did not present any signs that she was in her “last days, her heart just stopped, her body was tired”
about three months ago she was diagnosed with Amyloidosis. This condition made her heart very weak and potentially was the cause of death. Dr. stated she did not suffer because it was so sudden.
I had just recently started planning her funeral by saving money and asking mom what her last wishes were. doctors had said there was no cure for her condition, however I did not want to accept. As the only provider I didn’t get to save much.
This is really hard for me and the family. This is my second loss. First my son and now my mother. I thought I had more time with her.