Yorkshire 3 Peak Charity Challenge!
As most of you are aware I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at 22 years old! This was something that I never expected to hear, and now it is so important to me to raise money & give back to the amazing charities that support people like me, while raising much needed awareness!
My amazing supportive friends and I will be taking on the Yorkshire 3 Peak Challenge on the 14th September 2024! Raising awareness and monies for blood cancer awareness month.
Cancer effects too many of us and has effect the lives of those doing this challenge with me! They will also be walking this walk for the loved ones in their lives
All donations will be going to Lymphoma Action, please help in supporting us... donations however big or small will be greatly appreciated!
18 of us will be walking 24.5 miles, in 11 hours!!!
Georgia McFarlane-Betts
Lymphoma Action