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Hello everyone!!! This is my son Marvin Martin. On Oct. 25,2022 our whole life changed. Marvin Martin aka known as MJ. A sophomore at University South Alabama. Was hurt at practice and had to be carried off the field on stretcher. We’re asking Family, Friends, and Great Samaritans for donations. This is a long uncertain road to recovery. The uncertainty of MJ financial future in the up coming weeks, months, or years, has driven me to request your donations. Any donations will help. We are very grateful for everyone support. He is going to have many expenses coming up. It will be a long journey to his recovery.
On Oct. 25,2022 I received a phone call from my oldest son telling me that MJ had been in an accident. I asked him, an accident, he said yes ma’am. I said a car accident, he said no ma’am an accident on the field. At that time another phone call was coming in. I told him to hold on, I answered, on the phone was MJ. He was talking telling me Ma!!! You have to pray for me. Ma right now!!! I can’t feel or move anything on my body. I started praying while the coach held the phone. The coach explained to me that they was taking him to University of South Alabama hospital. He put MJ back on the phone. I told him everything was going to be ok. Because his mom was on her way to him.
The first thing I did when I hung up with MJ was to call my Pastor Rev. Dr. Casey Fisher. We prayed and on the road I went to Mobile to be by my son side. It took me three hours to get there. I was praying asking God to restore MJ of whatever it is, God I know you got him. From the top of his head to bottom of his feet. See I know what God can do!!! Am single parent, rised three sons 32, 19, 18 and they have never been too jail. 2 in college. I battle with Lupus everyday and I am cancer survivor!!! The doctors gave me up told my mother I had 24hrs to live. But GOD!!! My GOD!! He’s amazing. I said that to say this!! I know God had MJ. IF HE DID IT FOR ME!! I KNEW HE WOULD DO IT FOR MJ!!!
As I walked into the hospital in Mobile. One of his Coaches met me at the door. He explained to me that MJ was still getting test done. We waited praying!!! Soon the nurse walked in and said you could see him now.
This was one of the hardest things I ever had to do in my life. I wanted to just give him a big hug, and hold him, but I couldn’t because he was in so much pain. He couldn’t stand for anything too touch him. His dad and I continued to pray waiting on the Neurology Specialist to come in to tell us what had happened to MJ. A few minutes later the doctors walked in asking are you MJ parents. Yes!! We replied, he began to explain to us that MJ had a spiral core injury. He explained that right now MJ couldn’t feel or move his body, from his shoulders down. With this injury doctors couldn’t really say what the outcome of MJ injury maybe. He explained that MJ injury was in his cervical area of the spiral. This area is where a bundle of nerves running from the base of his brain down through the open space in the vertebrae (Also known as the spiral canal). His spiral core is swallowed pressing against his canal. Which caused him to be paralyzed for days. But as the spiral core goes down MJ will start to get some of his feelings back and his moving. MJ is now in paralysis state meaning a loss in the ability to control his muscles movements but it often includes the loss of other functions as well.
The doctors said it no way of knowing how much of his control movements that he will regain. It could take weeks, months, or years. It’s not promising that all his mobility will come back. But I do know God is working. Everyday I see change. He’s working very hard in therapy.
This young man MJ my son. Always been my humble child. Never gave me any trouble. He’s smart, funny, respectable and loves the game of football. MJ started playing football at the age of four. MJ has always been a hard worker on and off the field. So please continue to pray for my son. Because he has a long road ahead of him. I thank you so much. From the bottom of my heart. Love you guys. Keep those prayers coming!!!
Organizer and beneficiary
Dorothy Martin
Vicksburg, MS
Marvin Martin