Young Adelaide Voices turns 35!
Support Adelaide’s Premier Choral School For Our 35th Anniversary
This year Young Adelaide Voices, the premier choral school in South Australia, is turning 35.
Our mission at Young Adelaide Voices is to train young people in choral singing and promote excellence in both performance and musicianship. Our 6 choirs represent various stages in a chorister’s musical education, using methods relating to aural awareness, musical theory and sight singing. This is all taught using a flexible structure, which allows choristers to study and learn music appropriate to their different abilities, interests and experiences.
It’s exciting to hear how young choristers grow in skill and maturity as they progress through the choirs and hear how they develop not only in sound but in confidence and teamwork. These bonds are strong and the music and friendships they make in their years at YAV last a lifetime.
YAV has big dreams which we invite you to help realise. As a community not-for-profit arts organisation with no government funding, YAV’s activities are financially supported solely by chorister’s families and performance fees, supplemented by our many hard-working volunteers and generous donations.
So, what are we asking from you?
We are asking for your help in continuing to support and nurture communities, inclusivity, and the love of singing. We are proudly changing peoples’ lives through music and hope to continue doing so. Our goal is to raise $35,000, and we’ve made a guide to show you how your generosity could help the many young South Australians who love to sing.
• $20 will purchase a music folder for a chorister
• $30 wiII provide music for a semester, or a T Shirt for a Junior or Intermediate chorister
• $150 will provide a choir performance uniform for a First Concert Choir chorister
• $400 will subsidise a chorister to attend a national choral festival
• $500 will provide a semester's scholarship for a chorister in the Second Concert Choir or Male Voice Choir
• $500 will provide a guest artist for a concert
• $1,000 will contribute towards a WATU festival special project
• $2,000 will provide a Composer in Residence for a year
• $10,000 will go towards 'Big Picture' projects like the WATU Youth Choir Festival, or commissioning new works for the choirs, or enable us to accept international festival invitations
Caitlin Tait
Burnside, SA