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YouTube Makers Club

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Remember Why Don't You? The famous 70s and 80s TV show made by kids (and a BBC production crew supporting) for kids?

We want to create a safe space online where anybody anywhere can create up to three-minute videos of creative, sporting, interesting and shareable content, challenges, projects and quests. With recipes, links, guides to support others to go Make, Create and Do.

We've already created a physical and digital space for kids aged 9-13 to create, share and collaborate on making their own content. They know their favourite makers, creators and commentators. They already want to make and share content. 

We have been making DIY guides, projects, and creating a peer learning process where the kids learn a new skill, then recreate it in the form of their own content, with captions, credits and commentary. They've been learning to edit, structure, light, interview and 'remix' in their own styles.

What we weren't expecting was to go online and interactive quite so quickly, but here we are. 

Ideally we'll run daily quests, have live Maker Moments, competitions and educate by stealth. 

Why support this?

We still have plans to continue YouTube Makers Club  in physical spaces, but as you may know that's looking a bit tricky.

It may well be that schools do continue to open, but if they don't there will be a host of people at home, with time on their hands. We want to give families and carers fun, mass participatory opportunities and to showcase the amazing collective amazing talent of kids across the globe!

Your support will help our team* to continue to edit, moderate, support and grow the community, to buddy, mentor and coach the development of ideas and relationships

It will help us to commission new content from freelance artists, creatives, cooks, musicians, roboticists, scientists, games makers and more

We want to build partnerships with small makers/creators who have stuff to sell and can do so digitally. 

We want to create relationships with brands who want to encourage home creativity, from cardboard to code. 

We want support from businesses who can support kids and families without devices and kit to be able to fully participate online.

So with your support maybe we can get the nation creating together during Coronarivus and beyond.

* Our tiny team of freelancers, as you can imagine have been poleaxed by the virus.

Any funds we receive will go towards
Paying for time to run and develop the community
A small commissioning fund to stimulate new content from a legion of creative freelancers who now find themselves without work
Ideally if we reach more than £6000 we will have a bigger commissioning fund 

All of our associate team at Playful Anywhere are DBS checked and work with young and vulnerable people. 
We safeguard young people by outlining the risks of creating content and sharing it online, by gaining consent throughout the process, and creating ways in which those that don't wish to be named, or have their faces or identity shared can fully participate in ways through out the process.


Playful Anywhere

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