Donation protected
We write this with tears streaming down our cheeks. Above all, it reminds me, Melinda, of when I did the same for my beloved mother 13 years ago. Which I then lost to the effects of her cancer.
I REFUSE to let this happen again.
No one should have to go through what our beloved friend is being forced to do right now. And no one should have to lose someone this way, especially not more than once. It's a struggle for so many people and we all around can only be there and support, with what we can and that's what we want to do now and we're asking for all the help we can get. We want to keep our beloved Sigge ❤️
The girl you see in the picture is called Sigrun and is 32 years old.
The most amazing girl we have ever met and an honor to call her our best friend.
She has a heart of gold and always thinks of everyone around her before putting herself first.
In March 2022, Sigrun went to Sweden from Spain to move in with the love of her life whom she had just met.
It would turn out to be everything else than she planned.
Just a few days later, she found a lump on her stomach that her boyfriend forced her to go in and have it checked out.
In the course of a week, she had thus moved to Sweden and been diagnosed with life-threatening cancer.
It turned out to be cancer in several different places and the first year was bordered by operations on the liver and colon and lots of chemotherapy.
The doctors announce after about 1 year that it looks good....
"One early morning about 1 year later, the call I dreaded comes, Melinda, the cancer has spread. It is incurable. They give me 3 years to live.
A completely devastated Sigge on FaceTime screams words at me that I still can't take in. "
Here begins the battle that our beloved friend is currently fighting.
Self care, alternative care, countless hours spent online searching for a way to go.
All Sigrun wants is to live.
All of us around her want her to live. There is no other option.
She dreams of one day being able to get married, to be able to create her own little family, to be able to live a completely normal life that is not bordered by hospitalization and pain.
But since Sigrun lived in Spain and didn't work in Sweden the last year before she got sick, she doesn't get a penny of help from Sweden.
All the supplements, all the treatments that she chooses to try cost an extremely large amount of money and now the money is running out.
She has been on a 10 day course of high dose intravenous vitamin c (plus other vitamins vitamin d, multivitamins and glutathione) which has shown good results, but each treatment costs just under SEK 50,000.
She is estimated to have to do several more rounds to be able to keep the cancer in check until we have found a new way to go.
Time is ticking and we refuse to lose our beloved friend.
We are asking you all for help now,
help us to keep our beloved friend.
Help a mother not have to lose a daughter.
A partner loses his life partner.
Help our Sigge win over this damn cancer.
Every penny is so incredibly important to us who fight for her and don't remember for herself, who is of course the real warrior in this.
Everything really counts, even the smallest amount is enough. If we can all do this together!
Share and spread the word please. Let's help Sigge
I, Melinda, have made such a collection once before, as I said, for my beloved mother.
It gave me 4 extra years with her compared to what we would have gotten without the treatment she was able to get because of all the amazing people who contributed, and that time I will forever be grateful for.
Let's get at least the same extra time with Sigge and together let's help her find an alternative path that can get her healthy. All she wants is to live!!!
SWISH FOR DONATIONS: +46 73-593 92 77
Fundraising team (3)
Melinda Erlandsson
Stockholm, Sweden
Sigrún Gylfadóttir
Caroline Aronsson
Team member