Baby Scarlett
With a heavy heart and tears in my eyes, I share with you the loss of this very beautiful and loved baby girl. Yesterday afternoon, my former brother in law and his wife had their baby girl TRAGICALLY taken from them. She was 15 months old and just starting to walk. She was brutally attacked by a family members dog and did not make it. This was my oldest sons only cousin on his fathers side. Manny and Brianne Pereira, the parents of this beloved, sweet girl have always been family. My heart aches so hard for them right now. I cannot imagine the burden of losing my baby so tragically and then bearing the unexpected expenses that come along with such a loss. I ask you to dig deep today and give anything you can possibly give. No amount is too little or too much. I appreciate all of your help and support during this difficult time. I will keep
you updated when we find out when the services are. Thank you again for your donation. ❤️
I just wanted to share that I received news last night from a family member that the funeral has been paid for. In an effort to be transparent, all proceeds will go directly to Manny and Brianne to use for all of the other unexpected expenses that will arise in their time of need. Please continue sharing and encouraging others to share as well. This is a very long and uncertain road they have to travel. Let’s give them all of the support we can ❤️