I may be down but I'm not out!
My name is Danielle and I am "One Crafty Bitch" from Rodney, Ontario, Canada! I am ~ by my own definition ~ a mother, an artist, an independent business owner (although I'm struggling like mad), a sister, a lover, a fighter (Xena f***ing Warrior Princess!!), tree hugging, dirt munching, Goddess loving, flower smelling, hippie momma!! All my life has been filled with struggle. I don't mean to complain. That's not my goal here. I have been through and survived more shit than I ever cared to shovel in this lifetime. I went through some major health issues a few years back which (fortunately) I survived. The lesson I learned during that time was that it's never too late to find your happiness! Life is too short to be miserable and unhappy. That is when I really started to focus on myself and what I needed to do and be in my life to be happy. Thus the "Bitch Cave" was born. I like to say to people that men can have their man cave... I can have my Bitch Cave! I opened my little store and sewing studio in August of 2014 and I've been here living and working my butt off for the last two years. It has not been easy. I am the only employee. If I'm not well nor able to work then the bills simply don't get paid. The bills aren't much, mind you. I was very lucky to find this little shop in this little town. My landlord is awesome and very understanding. But unfortunately the hydro and gas and phone and insurance companies are not so easy to get along with. Well, the reason I am doing this... and stopping to ask my friends and family for help is because I am unfortunately sick again. Not as bad this time. Surgery was last Friday and they were able to remove the giant cyst growing inside me without too much complication, but it will be a long and slow recovery. I can barely walk still but am doing my best. My store is closed while I am recovering because I simply can't get out of bed to meet the customers demands. So if the store is closed then I'm not making any income. And the bills are screaming at me. I have insurance payments looming and don't know how I will meet them. I don't have money for even basic necessities right now because every penny is going to ensure I can keep a roof over my head while I rest. I need help. I'm a stubborn bitch (not sure if you knew that or not) and hate to ask but right now I don't know what else to do. I don't qualify for disability because this isn't long term. I don't qualify for welfare unless I sell my business. So I have no choice but to rely on my friends and family. I know times are tough. I know we all are struggling. But if I can just get passed this month so I can rest and heal then I can pull up my socks and bring this bad ass business back into the black on my own. I just need some help to cover my bills while I'm down. Anything you can do is so COMPLETELY appreciated and if I can give back to you in sewing credit or something in thanks then please let's talk about that. I hate asking for help. I don't know what else to do. Thanks for reading. I love you all!!! Www.craftybitchcave.com is my website if you wanna know more about what I do. Please do not pre-order a wonderful creation as your donation because as awesome as that is and as much as I appreciate your business it just makes my list longer to catch up on when I am recovered. Right now I have about a 6 month waiting list for custom clothing. I love you all. And thank you from the deepest parts of my heart.