YSA Tiny House Village-Bathroom Trailer
Help put critically need last/finishing touches on Youth Sprit Artwork's Tiny House Empowerment Village...help fund the last payment on our bathroom trailer!!
In January of 2016, youth at YSA initiated a community organizing campaign to build a Tiny House Empowerment Village for homeless youth in the San Francisco East Bay Area. As of 2021, we’ve built 26 beautiful, youth-designed houses with the help of over 2,000 volunteers in Habitat-for-Humanity-style builds. The Tiny House Empowerment village officially opened in the Spring of 2021 to serve and empower 22 unhoused young adults from Berkeley and Oakland.
As a part of living at the Village, all residents are engaged in building a strong and connected community. Youth- and volunteer-led clubs give residents many opportunities for personal and professional growth, including access to training and mentorship. Residents are supported in developing a responsibility to the community at large, achieved through connections to local faith organizations and active involvement with local social justice projects. Additionally, all residents at the Village take part in YSA’s core jobs training program, where they receive wrap-around case management services and engage in youth-led workshops around healthy interpersonal relationships, restorative practices, and more.
We at Youth Spirit Artworks could not be more grateful to everyone who has already supported our Tiny House Empowerment Village. As we move on to the new phase of the THEV, YSA is still raising funds for specific Village project components. We are now fundraising to pay for the 2nd bathroom trailer for the village residents.
Donate anything from $5 to $1,000 to show grassroots support for empowering the lives of houseless young people in the Bay Area. We can't make this happen without our community's fullest generosity.
Visit Our Website to learn more about YSA and what we do!