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Help My Sister Save Her Car

Don protégé
My half-sister, Akira, is my hero.  Our birth mom was unable to raise us due to her struggles with homelessness and mental illness and we were separated at a young age.

While I was adopted and given the structure and support of a nuclear family, Akira bounced around in the foster care sytem and between different relatives, where she was forced to grow up quickly in bad situations.

Despite all of that and battling dyslexia, Akira fought to get into college, won a scholarship based on her adoption status, and build a community of friends there at her sorority there. Life was finally looking up!

After her first year of college, the state revoked her scholarship based on a technicality.  Unable to afford tuition, Akira had to drop out of college, but she did not give up.

She worked multiple jobs to make ends meet, but two winters ago she crashed her car on ice. Thankfully she survived, but she suffered injuries and her car was totalled. 

In order to make payments on the rest of the loan she owed, Akira was forced to get another car because she lives in a rural area and could not otherwise get to work to afford her bills.

This year has brought on increasing financial, mental, and physical struggles. Through it all, Akira has struggled on-and-off with health complications, including diabetes, and has had a number of terrible reactions to medicine. She is trying desperately to keep her head up, but she also struggles with depression.

This week she was notified that she needs to make a payment on her car ASAP to keep it from being reposessed.

I am starting this Go Fund Me campaign to raise up to $6,000 for my sister to pay enough to save her car. The rest will be used to start an emergency fund to supplement her income.

You may not know my sister, but she is a beautiful, vivacious woman who loves to laugh, a great cat mom, a good friend, and a loving sister.  I know my sister will go on to do amazing things, but she just needs a little help right now. 

If you were lucky enough to grow up in a traditional family structure, have support from your family, afford a college education, or otherwise are doing okay for yourself, please consider donating even $5 or $10 to my beautiful sister.

I promise both of us will pay it forward double-fold.

For those interested, these are a few of Akira's regular monthly expenses:

$487 for rent
$150 electric bill
$200 a month for groceries (supplemented by food bank)
$500 a month for car/insurance
Faire un don


  • Maria McConchie
    • $200
    • 7 yrs
Faire un don

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Laura Wildwood
Seattle, WA
Akira Jae-lee Jordan

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