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Latino Voter Protection Organization

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The Latino Voter Protection Organization is pursuing legal action against the crimes of voter suppression against Latino Voters in Monroe County during the June 23, 2020 Primary Election.
The Monroe County Board of Elections has violated the rights of EVERY SINGLE LATINO VOTER in Monroe County.  We will NO longer tolerate such criminal acts against our voting rights.
The NYS Senate Election for District 56 candidate Hilda Rosario Escher has given us insight into an intentional and coordinated criminal attempt to silence Latino voices, votes and candidates.  Examples include lack of Spanish Electronic Applications, missing or unfulfilled ballots, lack or removal of interpreters at polling sites, moving polling sites away from Spanish speaking communities, elimination of Latino candidates from the ballots, attempts to remove the filing of legitimate petitions by Latino candidates for ballots, changing of party registration to keep citizens from voting, and much, much more. The election system in Monroe County, Rochester, NY no longer supports or protects us. 
We can not and will no longer tolerate this type of suppression and behavior and we demand CHANGE NOW.  Please help by contributing to our legal fund so we may pursue ALL of our legal options available under the law.
Be the change – donate today!


  • Shannon Rose
    • $20
    • 4 yrs

Equipo de recaudación de fondos: The Latino Voter Protection Organization (2)

Mercedes vazquez
Rochester, NY
Irene Sanchez
Team member

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