Beating Ewing Sarcoma
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Many of you know our story...For those of you who don't, let me catch you up a bit. I'm a mother of 5 amazing children! Alex(15),Bryce(14),Mylie(12),Jersey(5) and Serenity(2). My oldest son Alex was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma/PNET in October 2019. We went in for a sports physical before basketball season started and ended up with news that would change our lives forever. His cancerous tumor was so large that it basically consumed the entire right side of his torso. It was pressed against his heart, fractured his 8th rib and is pressing down on his right lung to where it cannot fully expand. Since then, he has had several chemotherapy treatments, blood draws every Monday and Thursday and random blood transfusions any time his counts drop. This young man has been so strong through all of it!! Even when he's not doing well he tries to act like he is!! Thanks to the good Lord's grace his tumor has become small enough to remove. He is scheduled to undergo surgery on Feb 6th. During this surgery, they will be giving him an epidural which will stay in his back for 3-4 days to help manage his pain levels. They are removing his 8th rib on his right side completely and a portion of the 7th and 9th rib as well. This area will be replaced with what was described to me as a mesh like substance to help protect his lung in the future. Depending on if the tumor is just pressing against his lung, or actually attached to it, they may have to remove a small portion of his lung as well. He's expected to be at Riley anywhere from 5-10 days this time depending on his pain levels and how quickly he recovers....Here's a curve ball...On Jan 23rd, I had to take my 14yr old Bryce to see a local urologist in Lafayette. It turns out Bryce is going to be at Riley the same time as his brother. He is scheduled to have surgery on Feb 10th. (He's a teenage boy that may never forgive me if I post details to his surgery ♀️♀️) To put the icing on the cake, our family fur baby Odin has been growing a knot on his side...today, he couldn't jump up on the couch without yelping... I had some antibiotics and puppy pain meds left over from the fatal dog fight we had just before all of this craziness began. He's content for now but really needs to see a vet. Anyone who knows me, knows that I usually don't ask for help unless its someone to care for my little girls while I'm traveling back and forth to Riley every week or every other week. I work full time, but due to the boys having surgery, I'm planning to be off work for roughly a week unpaid. Many people have reached out and helped us over the last 4 months and we are forever thankful! My rent and utilities are paid and we have plenty of groceries, so that's not a concern. Right now my main concern is the week of work I'll be missing, traveling back and forth to Riley, (I will still have to make trips home during that week as my 12yr old daughter is in basketball and my 5 year old does gymnastics)food while in Indy (Alex HATES the food at Riley),paying someone to help take care of my 3 girls (No siblings or anyone under 18 are allowed in the hospital during flu season so they can't even visit their brothers)and getting our precious dog to the vet...Please know that I dont like asking for help and I appreciate all that everyone does for us!! Gas cards, food gift cards , anything will help! We are almost through all of this!! Once Alex gets the tumor removed, he will have to continue chemo and radiation until probably May to make sure that all the cancer cells are dead and it doesn't spread anywhere else. PRAISE GOD!! THANK YOU ALL FOR EVERYTHING!! MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!
Here's the page that I created to track Alex's journey and hopefully answer any questions other parents may have if their babies ever have to fight this demon.
AlexStrong-Beat Cancer

Here's the page that I created to track Alex's journey and hopefully answer any questions other parents may have if their babies ever have to fight this demon.
AlexStrong-Beat Cancer

Amanda Shoup
Delphi, IN