Oral Surgery for Norfolk Artist
I’m setting up this Go Fund Me for my brother, Christopher Revels, a popular artist out of Norfolk, Virginia widely known for his Walking Houses chalked all around the city.
With no insurance or the means to pay for the work he needs done I’m asking for friends and family to please give what they can. I know these are desperate times and we are all struggling in some way, but if you can please donate.
Christopher needs a cyst removed along with 4 teeth. Facebook friends of Christopher’s are already familiar with this from the post made a few days ago and his trip to the ER for intravenous antibiotics. It had turned into a matter of life or death.
Chris needs this surgery done not only for his quality of life but for his health. We all need Chris at his best so he can continue to inspire, create and share his unique talent with the world.
Christopher’s appointment is scheduled for Friday, May 8th.
$4000.00 is due at the time of service.