Help Anita beat cancer
Donation protected
Dear friends, family & kindhearted strangers,
We are trying to raise money for our mum’s and sister’s cancer treatment. Anita has been diagnosed with cervical cancer 7 years ago. She received conventional cancer treatments like chemotherapy, radiotherapy and even tried some alternative treatments. She was in remission for a little while, but it all came back. Because of the nature of the cancer and other difficulties (it cannot be surgically removed), this is becoming very hard for all of us. Chemotherapy is not effective anymore and it is destroying her immune system and her other organs are suffering. There is a cancer medicine she hasn’t tried yet that might be the last resort, and it was recommended by her doctors in Croatia. It is called Pembrolizumab (Keytruda). It is said that this medicine is one of the most effective for treating cancer and many patients have recovered or reached remission with this immunotherapy. Keytruda is a type of immunotherapy that works by blocking the PD-1 pathway to help prevent cancer cells from hiding. It helps the immune system do what it was meant to do: detect and fight cancer cells. One dose costs around £2000 and she would ideally get at least 4 doses. We are not financially able to cover these costs, hence why we are asking for your help. Every penny helps. Please help in any way you can, either financially if you are able, or simply by sharing this with your friends!
We appreciate all of you so much and will keep everyone updated.
Dragi prijatelji, obitelji i dobrodušni stranci,
Pokušavamo prikupiti novac za liječenje naše majke i sestre od raka. Aniti je prije 7 godina dijagnosticiran rak vrata maternice. Primala je konvencionalne tretmane protiv raka poput kemoterapije, radioterapije, a čak je isprobala i neke alternativne tretmane. Neko je vrijeme bila u remisiji, ali nazalost, bolest se vratila. Zbog prirode raka i drugih poteškoća (ne može se kirurški ukloniti), svima nam ovo postaje jako teško. Kemoterapija više nije učinkovita i uništava njezin imunološki sustav, a drugi joj organi pate. Postoji lijek protiv raka koji još nije isprobala, koji bi mogao biti posljednje rješenje, a preporučili su ga njezini liječnici u Hrvatskoj. Zove se Pembrolizumab (Keytruda). Dokazano je da je ovaj lijek jedan od najučinkovitijih u liječenju raka i mnogi su se pacijenti oporavili ili postigli remisiju s ovom imunoterapijom. Keytruda je vrsta imunoterapije koja djeluje tako da blokira put PD-1 kako bi se spriječilo skrivanje stanica raka. Pomaže imunološkom sustavu da učini ono što je trebao: otkriti stanice raka i boriti se protiv njih. Jedna doza košta oko 2000 funti, a bilo bi idealno dobiti najmanje 4 doze. Financijski nismo u mogućnosti pokriti te troškove, stoga tražimo vašu pomoć. Svaka pomoć je dobrodošla. Molim vas pomozite na bilo koji način, bilo financijski ako ste u mogućnosti, bilo tako da ovo podijelite sa svojim prijateljima.
Sve vas jako cijenimo i obavještavat ćemo sve o novostima.
Fundraising team (3)
Andrea Pavlovic
Petra Pavlović
Team member
Victoria Morgan
Team member