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young lives v cancer❣️

Recently a lot of us lost someone very close to us, Stevi ball who was one of the most inspirational, hardworking, loving, caring and kind person you could ever meet. Stevi was only 21 when got diagnosed with stage 3A dysgerminoma tumour. She got diagnosed in australia with her partner connor by her side, we all raised money to help her live the rest of her life comfortably and to complete everything she wished to do, sadly we all had to say goodbye in august this year making her forever 23. As stevis friends and colleagues we never wish this pain on anyone, that’s why we have all come together to raise money, we are all planning to walk 100 miles in a month to raise money for cancer especially for the young people who have their whole lives ahead of them . Stevi showed us all how to live our lives to the fullest and to make the most of every moment. our hearts go out to Stevis family for bringing up such a fighter, all money raised goes towards young lives v cancer which is Stevis chosen charity❤️we love you stevi
Faire un don


    • £25
    • 6 hrs
  • Dawn Wadeson
    • £30
    • 11 hrs
  • Gail Lamb
    • £10
    • 11 hrs
  • Genevieve Marshall
    • £20
    • 18 hrs
  • Kayla Swannie
    • £10
    • 2 d
Faire un don

Équipe de collecte de fonds (3)

Eillish Lewis
Young Lives vs Cancer
Craig Morgan
Team member
Hannah Dixon
Team member

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