Justice for Ramani Morgan
Hi guys my names craig morgan from birmingham im ramanis uncle i have created this campaign in order to help assist my family with support for funeral costs and to ensure that ramani gets the best send off he could. Once we have reached our target i shall be presenting the family with the funds on behalf of all of you
Ramani Morgan from Birmingham erdington he was a typical 16 year old boy that loved football and aspired to play professional someday. He played for both Walsall and Aston Villa football clubs. He was a homely boy he would go to foot ball and college and come straight home he was loved by his family dearly sadly on the 29/02/20 Ramani was stabbed to death in the stoke area of Coventry.
This page has been created by the love of our family we would appreciate every donation which will go towards Ramani funeral and overall campaigning against knife crime our kids should be safe to walk the streets as they are out future we love more than words can express marni ♥️