5500KM Charity Walk (Toronto to BC)
Hello my name is James Murphy.
My Father and his 3 year old female Husky Nymeria are Walking from Toronto, Ontario, Canada to the top of Whistler Mountain in BC to raise awareness and Support for Children's Mental Health with endorsment from CAMH (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health).
He's featured on CAMH's website:
You can find more information on his website at:
He's already began his Journey and in just over 1 Month he's walked from the Rogers Centre in Toronto to Sudbury Ontario!
Now we need your help so he can continue the Journey!
What We Need
We have funded this journey ourselves until now with the help of a couple close family and friends, he's even sold his truck to buy equipment!
We need funding to continue the Journey and buy supplies for the coming winter he's going to endure when traveling through in the Harsh Canadian Prairies facing temps of -40C and below.
Money donated will go to buying supplies to continue the walk!
Supplies like:
-A Proper tent rated for the winter conditions he will face.
-A Proper sleeping bag rated for temperatures dipping to under -40C and below.
-Suitable winter attire in clothes (winter prefromance gear), footwear and outerwear.
-Cooking Supplies, Food and Dog Food.
-Road support to replenish his supplies at certain points of the journey and ensure his saftey!
As anyone who lives in Canada knows the winters can be very harsh. A big challenge will be braving the elements and the cold and surviving in the coming months.
The biggest challenge has been trying to fund this Journey as we have had no financial support and any money spent so far has been donated by close family and friends and also by my dad and I. We came much short of our what he would need to complete the walk but he decided to began the journey anyways and hoped that raising awareness along the way would help fund the rest!
The Impact
Mental health is a huge issue that doesn't get the awareness and support it needs and my father being personally affected by it decided to do this walk to raise awareness!
Did you know Mental health issues affect 1 in 5 Canadians?
and Suicide accounts for 24% of all deaths among 15-24 year olds and 16% among 25-44 year olds.
Here are some more astonishing facts about mental health from the CAMH website:
Risks & Challenges
Other Ways You Can Help
Please spread the word and help bring light to an amazing journey and a great cause. Follow/share and feel free to follow and comment on the social media links on
Facebook group (Follow our Walk)
Follow him on Twitter @BMavriik
Email me at [email redacted]
Thank you so much for your time!