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Dragi prijatelji,
Moj rođak Emir Zlotrg je teško povrijeđen u saobraćajnoj nesreći u Francuskoj, gdje je nedavno otišao da bi zaradio nešto novca da bi se mogao pobrinuti za bolesnog oca, ali nažalost sad se porodica bori i moli da on ostane živ! Ispred njega je dug put prema ozdravljenju, porodica se nalazi u teškoj financijskoj situaciji! Emir i ja smo odrasli skupa ja ga se i sjećam kao dječaka, tihog, mirne prirode, toplog osmijeha.
Dear friends,
My cousin Emir Zlotrg was in a terrible car accident in France, where he recently went to work in hopes to earn some money and be able to support his ailing father, however unfortunately family has found themselves in a position where now they are praying and fighting for his life! Family is in a difficult financial situation! Emir and I have grown up together, I remember him as a quiet, mild natured boy with a warm smile.
Moj rođak Emir Zlotrg je teško povrijeđen u saobraćajnoj nesreći u Francuskoj, gdje je nedavno otišao da bi zaradio nešto novca da bi se mogao pobrinuti za bolesnog oca, ali nažalost sad se porodica bori i moli da on ostane živ! Ispred njega je dug put prema ozdravljenju, porodica se nalazi u teškoj financijskoj situaciji! Emir i ja smo odrasli skupa ja ga se i sjećam kao dječaka, tihog, mirne prirode, toplog osmijeha.
Dear friends,
My cousin Emir Zlotrg was in a terrible car accident in France, where he recently went to work in hopes to earn some money and be able to support his ailing father, however unfortunately family has found themselves in a position where now they are praying and fighting for his life! Family is in a difficult financial situation! Emir and I have grown up together, I remember him as a quiet, mild natured boy with a warm smile.
Fahira Zlotrg
Quincy, MA