The Watts Family
From Beneath the Surface News
By: Sara Vanden Berge
Steven Watts, a patrol sergeant with the Stephenville Police Department, slipped peacefully away Monday afternoon surrounded by his family and fellow officers.
It was the outcome no one could have ever imagined when the 53-year-old Watts checked into a hospital last Friday after feeling ill all week.
When his condition began to deteriorate on Saturday, Watts was transported by air to Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas where it was discovered that he had an infection in the lining of his heart.
He underwent open heart surgery and was given dozens of units of blood, then slipped into a coma.
After additional testing showed no brain activity, the family made the difficult decision to take him off life support on Monday.
“Today we lost one of the best police officers who has ever served and protected,” Stephenville Police Chief Dan Harris told Beneath the Surface News. “Steven Watts was the kind of officer we all strive to be. His loss is absolutely devastating to his family, our department and our community.
“The outpouring of love and support from our great city is a testament to the life of service he lived. We need your continued prayers.”
Watts was a 25-year veteran of the police department and served in the U.S. Army.
The Cost
Any funds collected will be used to help the Watts family with any expenses, offset medical costs, and bills. Please consider helping, in whatever amount you’re able, this upstanding member of our community and his family.
How You Can Help
This man has spent his life honorably serving country and community.
To help get the word out, please share via email, Facebook, Twitter - word of mouth! Your help, support, and encouragement will do a world of good.
We are eternally grateful for our Stephenville Police and Fire Department families, the Texas Health Harris Methodist and Baylor University Medical teams, and the Dallas Police Department.
Beneath The Surface News article: https://bit.ly/3ex0jP4