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My family and I suffered a great loss yesterday. My father Jesus Cervantes(left, 72) and two brothers Joel(right, 29) and Roberto(38) Cervantes lost their lives. As many of you may have read or heard, Roberto was suffering from a mental illness. We could not get him the help he most desperately needed because of the laws implemented for Mental Health. Because of this, his conditioned worsened and caused him to take the life of my father, Joel, and then himself.

Not only is my family going through this difficult and tragic time, but we are now facing a financial situation with the funeral arrangements for my father and brothers. Any bit of Donations would help to lessen the burden.

Once we have all the arrangements figured out, we will give details on a Memorial Service.

Thank you


  • Megan Guerra
    • $25
    • 9 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Olivia Cervantes
Chicago, IL
Gloria Cervantes

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