Djm's Eviction & Overdraft Request
Let's just say I've had a really bad 18 months. Two car accidents, holding onto a job, and keeping a roof over my head have all been a bit of a challenge.
It's left me in a cycle of being stuck with little funds to work with after being in overdraft for a long time. Even now that I am employed, catching up with anything has been a losing battle. I've applied for assistance from the state, from the veteran's offices, and they're all exhausted, because of course they are.
And now I'm about to lose my place to stay. I've gotten the court notice of July 27th, and try as I might, I'm not able to put even a small amount down to the landlord.
The amount I'm asking for would cover the 2197 that I need, and allow me one week's paycycle to make sure I stay out of the negative. If I can have that, my actual income will be able to take care of me going forward.
I just need a one-time shot. Because I am about to drown.