Please Help the Lee Family!!
Donation protected
Hi everyone,
My name is Rebecca and I am the eldest daughter of James and Anne. We have owned our little convenience store in Blue Ridge for almost 10 years now but last night, our store was completely engulfed in flames and everything has burnt down to the ground. We are not certain as to how the fire was started yet, but as our house was also attached to the store, we have lost absolutely everything.
As an immigrant family, our parents have worked solely to provide for my sister and I in a country they were unfamiliar with — never gone on vacation or taken a holiday off, just so that we could pursue post-secondary and live a comfortable life. This store and house was our parents’ livelihood, the community’s pit stop, our childhood, and our home. Yet everything was destroyed in merely a few hours. Devastated cannot even begin to describe the loss we have been experiencing.
Throughout this all, we have been trying to think about the positives and especially how the Blue Ridge/Whitecourt community has immediately embraced us with their love and support. The amount of encouraging messages and offers of opening their homes to us has been so overwhelming, and we are extremely grateful. And it has been reminding our family that there was so much more support around us than what we could have possibly imagined. We are also extremely grateful to the first responders (including the locals who kept our parents safe while we raced down to Blue Ridge from Edmonton) who are continuing to fight the fire — without you all, I would not dare to think about what could have happened.
Unfortunately however, this does not mean that our nightmare has ended. We are facing a mountain of issues that has been growing and growing even before the fire due to the pandemic and the effects it’s had on a small business like ours. We were walking on a tightrope, but now it feels like the rope has completely snapped and we are free-falling.
So we are asking for your support in any way possible — whether it is monetary or a few kind words, it does not matter. But we hope that you could keep us in your thoughts and prayers amidst the chaos happening in other parts of the world too.
*if you are uncomfortable donating through gofundme, please refer to the “Blue Ridge Community, Alberta “ page on Facebook, or if you are local, the Blue Ridge Library is accepting donations as well*
Thank you.
안녕하세요 여러분,
제 이름은 이지호라고 합니다.
저희 가족은 거의 10년 가까이 블루 리지라는 조그만 타운에서 집이 딸려있는 convenience store 를 운영하고 있었습니다. 하지만 어제 밤에 그 모든 것이 화재로 인해 한 순간에 불 타서 없어져 버렸습니다. 아직까지는 어떤 이유로, 어디서 시작이 되었는지는 모르겠지만 이제는 저희의 가게도, 집도, 완전히 잿더미가 되어버렸어요.
저희 부모님께서는 캐나다로 이민을 오시고 나서는 단 한번도 여행을 가시거나 휴일을 쉬지 않으시고 일을 하셨습니다. 오직 저와 제 동생이 대학을 가고, 더 나은 삶을 살기를 바라셨기 때문이죠. 이 가게와 집은 저희 부모님의 일터이자 집이였고, 마을사람들의 아지트였고, 저와 제 동생의 추억이 담겨져 있는 소중한 보금자리였습니다. 하지만 불과 몇 시간 사이에 이 곳은 알아보지 못 할 정도로 타버렸습니다. 지금 저희의 심정은 말로는 다 표현을 못 할 만큼 처참하고, 마음이 아프고요.
하지만 이 와중에도 하나님은 저희에게 감사할 것을 찾게 해주셨습니다. 여기에 있는 주민들이 재빠르게 도와주시고, 너무나도 많은 분들이 자신들의 일처럼 여기저기서 손을 뻗어주시더군요. 특히나 처음 불이 번져서 부모님이 우왕좌왕하고 계실 때 도와주신 마을분들, 또 지금까지 고생하고 계시는 소방관 분들까지 모두 다 너무나도 감사하고 미안한 마음만 들 뿐입니다.
그러나 저희의 악몽은 아직 끝나지 않았습니다. 코로나로 인해 화재가 나기 전부터 힘든 시간을 보내고 있던 저희 가족에게 더 큰 문제가 생겨버렸기 때문이죠. 외줄타기를 하는 것만 같던 현실의 무게가 이 일을 통해 한계를 버티지 못 하고 툭 끊어진 것 같은 느낌입니다.
그래서 여러분께 이렇게 간곡히 부탁을 드립니다. 꼭 재정적인 도움이 아니더라도 여러분의 관심과 기도가 필요합니다. 저와 저희 가족을 꼭 생각해주세요.
Rebecca Lee
Blue Ridge, AB